Chapter 17 : The Great Sand Of Death And Light

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Her eyes open, blinking a few more times to rid them of their blurriness. Charlie slowly gets up, pushing herself off of the now sandy ground, taking her time with as weak as she was. As she looks around, she realizes that she's standing in the middle of an endless desert. The sky and area around is dark and gloomy. Shaking her head back to her senses, she spots Luna trying to get up from the ground. Hurrying over to her, she kneels down next to her. "You okay?" Charlie asks, ready to help her up. Luna nods at her. "Yeah, I'm alright. Where the bloody hell are we? We're not dead again are we?!" Luna sks, quickly frightened by where they were and becoming concerned about their state. "I-I don't know, I don't think so" Charlie shakes her head. The pair scans the horizon, spotting absolutely nothing but sand around them.

The two turn around to look the other way. Their eyes widened as they have now noticed the other unnamed alt. Luna and Charlie glance at one another, silently nodding and looking back at the alt.

"Hey mate, it's us. Luna and Charlie" Luna says softly, walking towards the alt slowly, hoping to not scare her. The alt nervously nods, messing and pulling at her sleeves from her anxiety driven habits. The pair don't get to come too close to the alt as something appears beside them. Ammit shows up, causing the alt to jump a little while the pair glances over, upset by her presence. "What have you done? Where the hell are we?" Charlie asks the god. "Welcome to the sands of great life and death" Ammit smiles. Charlie squints in confusion and distrust. "Are we dead?" Luna asks, not entirely trusting Ammit either.  "Not exactly, I have brought you here because I believe I can offer you the things you have longed and dreamed of. I needed to bring you here so we could talk" Ammit says with a tilt of her head.

"Sorry but we aren't making any more deals, especially with crazed evil gods that want to destroy all life" Charlie clenches her fists. "Yeah, you can take whatever you have to offer and bugger off, alright?" Luna huffs and crosses her arms.

"Oh Luna, trying to be so brave yet we all know you are just the happier and friendlier side of Charlie" Ammit laughs. Luna's face drops from determined to seriousness. Charlie glances over at her as the alligator continues. "Charlie is the brave one, so why don't you let her be just that and you be you" Ammit asks, leaving Luna uncomfortable and more upset. Ammit glances over at the other alt who was still standing farther away from all of them, her stance showing her anxiety.  "And then there's you. The fragile one. The fragile side of Luna and Charlie" Ammit says, staring right into the girl's eyes. "Leave her alone" Luna steps more towards the alt, holding an arm out to motion to the alt while also showing her defense. "Cut the shart Ammit and tell us what you really want" Charlie says, becoming more angry by the manipulation.

"All gods have the power to grant mortals their greatest wishes. You three are here to listen and hopefully accept what I have to offer" Ammit smiles and nods. "You want to grant us our greatest wishes? Really?" Charlie asks in disbelief as she crosses her arms. "You must be bonkers if you think we'll listen to what you can offer us. I don't think a lifetime supply of free booze will change our minds" Luna says, crossing her arms as well. Ammit stares at the three, seeing how they clearly didn't believe her. She looks at the girls, but smiles at Luna and disappears. Seconds later after they look around in confusion, Ammit pops up beside Luna.

"Luna, I know what you want... What you crave. A life of normality. Happiness just like how you remember it before Charlie came into your life. Freedom, Luna. Freedom filled with so much happiness with Sam'' Luna's face goes from a determined and aware smile to one of confusion. Ammit then fades, appearing by Charlie next. "You, Charlie, have suffered your whole life. It has never been peaceful. You have served as Khonshu's fist of vengeance for long enough. You long for peace, I know you do. What if I gave you that? Endless peace, free of Khonshu. Free of all the trauma" She lowers her eyelids, watching her words sink into their skin as Charlie and Luna think to themselves instead of giving her a response. Charlie's face saddens, then she closes her eyes to think. Ammit disappears again, being ignored by the other two as she quickly appears beside the other alt.

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