Chapter 12 : Should I Get A Pet Snail?

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"She's dead Luna! Your mom is dead!" Charlie blurts out.

Luna stares at her crying alt in shock. "What? That's... That's not true, what are you talking about? I talk to her almost every day" she says in disbelief. "No you don't Luna and I'm telling you the truth" Charlie sniffles and stands up taller, trying to compose herself despite what she had to tell Luna. "No you're just trying to hurt me again, I don't know why but you are doing exactly that. No you're lying" Luna shakes her head, still not trusting the woman. Charlie stares for a bit.

Charlie seems to be thinking as she gazes at Luna. It hurt her to think about their past and see Luna remember it differently. Luna is hurt by her alt still trying to feed her these lies. Charlie now only sees the host's tear filled gaze, knowing that she wasn't going to trust her without proof. "I-I'm sorry..." Charlie says softly, letting her head fall as she looks at the ground. Tears fall from Luna's own eyes. "I don't want to be here any more, no. Get away from me. Stay away" She says, backing away slowly from her alt. She shuts her eyes tightly, not wanting to listen anymore.

"Luna please..." Charlie softly calls to her. "No, no. No I don't wanna hear it, you're lying. She's alive, she is" Luna shakes her head, ignoring Charlie's calls. For a few moments, she stands and cries lightly, but she soon realizes that everything has become quiet.

Slowly, Luna opens her eyes. She stands in a familiar garden outside of a home. Turning around, she sees her childhood home. Charlie isn't anywhere near her anymore, making Luna sigh in relief, but not stopping her tears.

Luna spots her past self as a child once again like in the previous memory she saw. Unlike the last memory, she was playing with another kid. Past Luna laughs with the other kid as they chase each other around the flowers. Through the back door, her mother appears. "Okay you two, dinner will be ready in a few hours" She says with a small smile. Both kids stop and look over when they hear her speak, then they run over with excitement. "Okay mom, is it okay if we go into the woods?" Past Luna asks for both of them. "As long as you don't go past the safety fence. Luna, look after your little sister" Her mum nods, then heads back inside as the kids run off. "I have a sister?" Luna asks the air, not expecting a response, but kind of wishing she had an answer. "Lynn, stay with your sister!" Their mother calls out from within their home. "Yeah mom!" Lynn yells back, chasing her older sister right after.

Luna stares with wide eyes, watching the kids dash to the woods and play around together. After quickly snapping herself out of her shock, she runs to the children and follows them into the woods.

The two kids jump around on various twigs and leaves, splashing themselves when they step in small puddles nearby. "Should I get a pet snail?" Lynn asks with a goofy smile. Luna stands a few feet behind the children, watching them act as a child normally would at their age. "Ew! No way that's gross!" Kid Luna gags, pushing her little sister away gently. "What about some ants?" Lynn says, joking with her sibling as she knew it would freak her out. "Lynn!" Little Luna laughs at her younger sibling. The two children begin to run around again, chasing each other and taunting as they dodge the trees and one another. Luna follows close behind, curious of the sibling she hadn't known of and wondering why she didn't remember this.

The two kids find themselves at a safety fence. "We should go back" Little Luna says, backing up slightly as she recalls what her mother told them and what dangers could lie past the barrier. "But the stream is this way, I might get a fish or something" Lynn points, easily convincing her slightly older sibling into crossing. Kid Luna nods. "Yeah that would be cool!" She smiles.

Luna's smile fades slightly as she watches the children help one another over the unguarded safety fence."Uh girls, maybe we shouldn't go past the safety fence" Luna says in concern, forgetting that this was only a memory and that she was unable to be seen or heard. After hesitating to jump the fence, she hurries back to the kids.

The children play, laugh and mess around, but now Luna is only concerned more than feeling her previous joy. The two kids began running again, not looking at where they were going as they giggled. Lynn looks back at her sister as she runs, but this proved to be a bad idea.

The child trips, sending her to the ground. Lynn rolls and falls, stopping Luna in her tracks."Lynn!" Kid Luna says shakilly. Lynn now dangles off of the edge of a cliff, screaming and calling for help. Luna looks over at her child self, noticing that she had froze in terror. "Luna help!" Lynn screams for her sister, snapping her out of her freeze.

Child Luna runs over and falls to her knees, making sure to be more careful around the edge. Grabbing on to her younger sister's wrists, little Luna tries to pull her up. No matter how many times or how hard she tried, she couldn't pull her sibling up. Lynn screams and cries, kicking her legs in an attempt to get back up. Using all of her might and energy, kid Luna tries to pull her up again, using the last bit of strength she had. It was no use, she wasn't strong enough.

Kid Luna cries, realizing that she is unable to bring her sister back to safety. The child's grip weakens, having used her muscle and energy in her attempts to save Lynn. Soon enough, her hands slip, releasing Lynn and unwillingly letting her fall to her doom. Kid Luna cries on the ground, the panic and fear becoming worse as Lynn lets out an ear-piercing scream as it echoes through the world.

Luna gasps and watches in horror. She hates this memory, but she knows it's real.

She closes her eyes tight in an attempt to hold her tears back. The sound of her younger self crying and the forest behind her fades away, the land around Luna changing as well. Slowly opening her eyes, she looks around. She's back in the kitchen of her old home. Turning slightly, she then spots her younger self sitting at the table. Luna stared with wide eyes, glossed over with tears. Charlie stands close to the table. "I'm sorry" Charlie says softly, her expression forlorn. She doesn't expect her to respond as she then walks over.

"We should go" Charlie sighs, now standing beside Luna, not willing to stay any longer and not wanting to watch her become more upset by the truth. Luna shakes her head. "I want to see what happened" Luna states softly. Charlie closes her eyes and lets her head fall. She exhales quietly.

A loud bang causes them to jump, scaring Luna's past self the most. Footsteps are heard past the room, and they slowly come closer. Luna's mum enters the room, but she stops when she spots her child at the table. The woman's hair is messy and her eyes are wet from tears. "What are you doing in here?" She asks, staring at her child with tragic eyes. The woman stumbles over to the table, sitting directly in front of kid Luna. "How could you be so cruel, killing your own sister... How could you" The mother blames her daughter. Young Luna stares back sadly, tears in her eyes.

"I always thought you were jealous of your sister. She was my favorite... And you took her... Away from me" Her mother says, becoming more angry. Luna stares in shock, rethinking all of the previous conversations she had with her mum and contemplating her reality. "Get out of my sight" Her mother growls at the young child. Young Luna stands and starts making her way out of the room. "This is all your fault, you did this!" The mother yells, causing the kid to cry as she blames her for her siblings death. "You killed my baby! You killed her! Get out! Get out!" Young Luna cries and runs out of the room.

Luna glances between her mother and her young self, then decides to chase after herself as the kid makes her way upstairs. Charlie looks up and spots this, then chases after Luna. "Wait, Luna" She calls to the host. "Luna come back, wait!" Charlie catches up with the two. Young Luna cries and runs to her bedroom door, quickly swinging it open and slamming it shut. Luna stands at the top of the stairs, gazing at the door her young self entered, then she looks back at her alt.

"Don't go in, Luna!" Charlie says as she runs up a few more steps.

Luna stares at Charlie for a moment, then turns towards the door. Luna runs over and grabs the knob. She opens the door and slips inside.

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