Chapter 9 : I Just Want My Life Back

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The couple slowly make their way inside. As they venture further in the building, the air becomes cooler and more chilly, making them nearly shiver. Luna guesses that this was a way to represent the moon given the god ruling it. Just as Luna remembered it from when Charlie showed her before in one of her own memories, they arrive at the end of the hallway. A giant statue of Khonshu sits in the middle of the room, but they can only see the base of it from where they were in the hallway. Slowly, the rest of the big statue comes into view the closer they get.

Finally making it to the doorway, Sam and Luna stop and gaze up at the statue of the god. Suddenly, a figure steps out of the darkness, spooking Sam and causing her to jump slightly. However, Luna recognizes Khonshu. "Shouldn't Charlie be the one I should be talking to?" Khonshu asks Luna. "How did you know it was me and not Charlie?" Luna asks the god, confused greatly on how he could tell when she hadn't said a word yet. "Because, little insect, I am a god. Charlie is my avatar. I know who is in my presence" He says. "Fair enough" Luna tilts her head, now understanding better. "Tell Khonshu we need to go and find Harrow fast" Charlie says within Luna's head.

"Yeah just a minute, you seem to be forgetting something" Luna says more softly, knowing that her alt was able to hear her just fine. Khonshu groans impatiently while Sam then looks over at her girlfriend. "Luna Loud, I do not have time for this. I need Charlie to come out" The god throws his head back in annoyance. Charlie and Khonshu's impatience annoys Luna as well.  "Listen, this is my body and before we get into the whole saving to world bit, could the both of you politely be quiet for a minute" She says, making her role in the situation clear. Pausing for a moment, she waits for anybody who wants to interrupt. As nobody does, she continues.

"You made a deal with Charlie that I wasn't a part of and I would like to make a new deal" Luna clears her throat and goes on with her thoughts. "You want to make a deal now?! With the world at stake?!" Khonshu holds his arms out, gesturing when he speaks of the world. "Well you two are good at making deals without me and I think it's only fair that yes we make this deal now. I don't trust either of you so I think it's only fair. And since you are a god, I feel as though you are the type of being to honor deals and all that jazz" Luna says, just as annoyed as Khonshu was. Khonshu grumbles quietly as Luna waits for his response. "Fine. What is it, little bug?" He asks.

"Okay so when we've stopped Harrow and possibly Ammit if she's released. I want my life to go back to normal. I want the whole Moon Knight shabang gone. And if possible, I want Charlie and whoever else is living in my head gone" Luna says firmly, making herself clear on what she wanted.

Sam looks at Luna again, this time with an unsure and not so confident face. She doesn't voice her thoughts right now, but she feels that this may not be a very good idea.

"Very well, you have my word that when this is over. I shall make the deal happen. Now, can we get down to business?" Khonshu rushes to get back to work. "Absolutely" Satisfied with the deal, she nods. "Good, now. Before we go any further. I need to get myself back to full power" Khonshu says. "How are you going to do that?" Luna asks. "Well with you here before me and my tomb, I can now get my full power pack" He explains as he raises his arms. Some bright, white energy source comes out of Luna, some of the energy floating into Khonshu until he sends the rest back to her. This hasn't hurt her or made her feel weird, so she doesn't question it or say anything.

"Right, let's get moving. We haven't got much time" Khonshu says. "What is the plan though?" Sam steps forward and questions the god. "Harrow is looking for Ammit. All gods that break the rules are imprisoned as a small statue" He says, slowly pacing around in thought. "Okay so we just go to wherever that is before Harrow does." Luna says, looking over at Sam for her thoughts. Sam nods in agreement, thinking of the same thing. "It's not that simple," Khonshu sighs. "Why not?" She asks. "Ammit is a special case. Her power is devastating to this planet. So when she was imprisoned, she was taken somewhere special to be never found again. It would be impossible to get there first" Khonshu explains to the mortals in front of him. "But not entirely since Harrow is looking for this place. He must know there's a way to find her" Luna shrugs and thinks out loud. "Yeah but like what?" Sam asks. The pair and the god brainstorm quietly for a minute.

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