Chapter 6 : Lockley Pyschiatric Hospital

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Two of the staff members lift her up with aggression, not caring to stay in place long enough for Charlie to regain her balance. "Come on, time to see the Psychiatrist" One of the men says. Once again, Charlie just struggles in their grasp. "How about you take this shit off first?" She says, using some of her energy into pulling away as much as she could. The men ignore her and hold her in place. One pulls out a syringe like before and sticks it in Charlie's neck. The drugs start making its way through her system, working at a fast pace. Charlie thrashes and attempts to break free still, now panicked at what was just injected into her body. "Get off!" She shouts, still trying to break free. As much as she wants and tries to fight back, her body begins to fail her, feeling as if it has turned into jelly. The men lead her out of the room, having to drag her due to her body barely responding to her and not allowing her to properly move.

Her vision is way too blurry to make out anything, all she can see are the white walls, ceilings and floors on all sides of her. She is brought through many corridors that all look exactly the same in her eyes. It took awhile, but eventually, they arrived at the room they were looking for; the Psychiatrist's office. Barging in the room and harshly pushing Charlie into her seat, the men leave them alone. "Thank you" a voice she doesn't register says as they leave. "I'm gonna get out of here. I swear it" she wearily turns and shouts to the men as they shut the door. Now with the men gone, she takes a second to calm herself slightly, not feeling as restricted as before but still pretty contained with the jacket she was wearing. She tries to make out everything around her, and she thinks that there is a desk in front of her, a figure sitting behind it.

"Before you say it, I'm not. I'm not crazy. I don't care what you say" Charlie states, not able to make out any details of the figure or the room aside from colors like the white walls and the brown desk. "Well that's unfair to assume that of me as it is unfair for me to assume you're crazy" A male voice responds to her. Charlie slumps in her seat. "So why the hell am I in this shithole then?" She says, her anger crystal clear to the man. "Well it's just for your own safety" She can't see it, but the man smiles at her. Charlie scoffs at the man's response. The man leans forward and places his interlocked hands on the desk. "It's just when you came here, you raised some concerns with my staff and naturally they had to act fast" He says as if it was just a small little mishap on her end. "By drugging me and holding me against my will? Not to mention the abuse I've received" Charlie sits up in her seat and presents herself as a threat.

"I apologize for the methods my staff uses, they can be a little aggressive" The man is calm in her presence, not at all frightened by her display. Charlie squints her eyes as she's looking at her surroundings, trying to make out what she could. "I think it's more than just a little, don't you think?" She turns to look at the other side of the room, trying to take in the details of the room she's in. The man didn't say a word as she tried to soak in any detail she could until she gave up. Charlie looks back at the figure. "So what now?" She asks.

"Well, I'd like for us to talk. Get to know each other" The man leans back, sitting upright in his chair. "You mean get to know me" Charlie shakes her head and responds. The man lets out a laugh, further annoying her that he was being so calm and unhelpful to her. "Okay, my name is Arthur and I'm the Psychiatrist of Lockley Psychiatric Hospital. And I would like to help you," He says, tilting his head at her. Charlie doesn't respond back to him. "When you came here, you said a lot of things that concerned us. Do you remember?" Arthur asks as a professional would. "Yeah a bit" Charlie shrugs, not really wanting to talk to him a whole lot. "It's okay, like I said. I'm here to help you" He reassures her. No matter how much he reassured her, Charlie didn't believe or trust the man.

"You can't help me, not unless you're going to break me out of here?" She says, not believing that he would. As she thought, she got a reply she saw coming. "No, sorry," Arthur laughs. Charlie isn't amused in the least, letting the man's laughter die down in silence. She turns around, trying to spot the door and figure out any ideas. "Well then that's the end of this conversation. I need to get out of here and you can't help me" She says in annoyance. Arthur sits forward in his seat.

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