Chapter 20 : Moon Knight!!!

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Luna and Sam stay side by side as they run towards the henchmen. Sam's wings form behind her on her back as she leaps into the air and swoops downwards, passing a few of the henchmen at the front. As Sam comes down, she takes out two henchmen with kicks as she lands. Sam spins, using her wings to knock a few henchmen to the ground. Luna pulls out two white batons, one for each hand as she runs. She ducks two henchmen and smacks two others in the face with her weapons before spinning on the spot to hit the two she dodged. They fall to the floor and she turns around and hits one in the face with one baton and backhands another with the baton to the face. She kicks one in the chest which makes them fall to the ground. Luna throws one of her batons at one of the henchmen and it hits him in the head as it flies back to her hand. As the baton goes back to Luna, Charlie switches in, the suit changing between both women everytime they switch out, and catches the baton before using it on three henchmen. Charlie hits them back and forth quickly before they fall to the floor. Charlie charges at two henchmen and jumps, kicking one and punching the other in the air as she flips and lands on one knee. Luna switches in and sweeps her leg at two approaching men, knocking them to the floor. Luna grabs her baton and hits them both in the face before getting up and running at some more men.

One man goes to punch Sam but she blocks with her wings and he cries out in pain. Sam grins and punches him in the face. Sam runs at three henchmen, they get ready to hit her but she cartwheels as she dodges one, punches one then ducks the thirds swing. She punches him in the ribs whilst she is crouching then punches him before spinning round and kicking the other to the ground.

Khonshu swings his giant staff and Ammit grabs it with her jaw. Khonshu kicks her hard in the stomach which releases her jaw and makes her stumble. Ammit snarls at Khonshu and he charges at her. Ammit swipes her tail, sending him crashing into the ground.

He goes to get up but Ammit kicks him down."Stay down you poor excuse of a god" Ammit snarls. Taweret appears the same size as Ammit and Khonshu and she tackles Ammit to the ground. Khonshu gets up and Taweret stands up with Ammit on the ground looking up at the pair. "Had enough yet?" Khonshu teases and angrily gazes at the alligator. "No" Ammit says with a grin. Ammit swipes Taweret and Khonshu's legs with her tail sneakily, making the pair fall. Ammit stands up and goes to bite Taweret but Khonshu takes the staff and blocks Ammit by having the moon on the top of his staff pin her into the pyramid. She grips the staff as Khonshu holds on tight, keeping her in place and pinned. Ammit kicks at him while Taweret attempts to hold her arms down.

Luna is hitting two men with her batons and they drop as two others charge at her. "Charlie!" Luna shouts. Charlie switches in and dodges one of the men, punching another in the stomach. She swings and punches the other in the face before punching the first one in the face again. As the man falls to the ground, Charlie sees a group of six men coming for her. Charlie scoffs at the men and runs at them. She pulls off the moon chest piece and throws it before Luna switches in and slides on the sand as she pulls out her baton and hits two men in the knee. The moon chest piece takes out three men as Charlie switches back in and captures it and places it back to her suit.

One of the men goes to kick her but she grabs their leg and she quickly stands up. The man hops on one leg before she kicks him where it hurts and makes him groan in pain and causes herself to wince slightly, having a good idea on how painful that move was. Another one of Harrow's henchmen goes to punch Charlie from behind but she ducks and he accidentally punches the man she was holding by the leg. She lets go of the man and she stares at the man as he turns to look at her. All of a sudden, Luna's and Charlie's alt switches in as the outfit is like Charlie's but slightly different. The alt stares at the man slightly scared. After a few seconds, the man goes to hit her but she dodges him and she punches him hard in the face, knocking him out. "Good shot mate!" Luna's voice cheers in her head. "Yeah good one!" Charlie's voice says, cheering and applauding as well.

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