Chapter 10 : Can You Really Trust Him?

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The pair land near a giant pyramid fifty miles away from where they were seconds ago. They see the building from a few hundred feet away. Charlie doesn't bring them directly to the pyramid, knowing that Harrow would already have been there. This proves to be true as they both spot multiple cars with tinted windows parked at the site. Charlie's hood and mask pull away as she looks at Sam. "We need to be fast. It won't take Harrow long to find exactly where Ammit is" She tells her. Sam nods in agreement, then follows Charlie as she leads the way.

The two sneak over to the cars and duck behind one, effectively hiding themselves from anybody else. Bringing her mask and hood back up, she goes ahead of Sam, taking out some of the men as quietly and quickly as she could. Sam watches Charlie take the goons out with ease. After successfully taking the men out without alarm, she motions for Sam to follow again. The pair head towards the entrance of the pyramid.

Charlie continues to lead the way inside, but the hallway gets darker as no torches or bright source of any kind light their way. They don't say anything as they keep going, trying to beat Harrow in the race. A disturbing clicking sound emits from somewhere, causing them to freeze. It didn't sound like a machine, but they couldn't make out what the sound was. "What was that?" Sam whispers. "I don't know" Charlie whispers back, trying to look around in the darkness. "Where's Khonshu, is he here already?" Sam asks as they start moving again. "Probably" Charlie answers, leading their way again and letting herself ignore the sound as it had been a good few seconds. The pair wander through the hallway once more, but freeze again when they hear the clicking sound again, this time being a lot closer. Suddenly, a mummy-like monster charges at them from the darkness.

Sam screams at the sight while Charlie tries to hit the monster. This fails and she is instead knocked to the side. Sam hides as Charlie grabs ahold of the monster, them both getting into a struggle as they fight, the mummy creature making ear-piercing clicking noises. Charlie is slammed to the floor, the monster jumping on top and trying to bite her, revealing its nasty, jagged and rotting teeth. Despite her fear of the freaky monster, Sam runs over and kicks the mummy hard. The monster looks up at her, coming towards her and trying to attack. Sam backs away from the beast. Fortunately, Charlie grabs it and shoves it into the wall. Pulling out her half moon bladed boomerang from her chest piece, she stabs the creature in the neck. This action effectively kills the beast, life slowly slipping away from the monster.

Charlie breaths heavily as she pulls away, letting the monster fall to the ground. She turns and looks at Sam. "You okay?" She asks. "Yeah, are you?" She responds, still slightly afraid that the thing she just killed would come back to life or something as such. Charlie nods. "Yeah, thanks for the save" She breathes, putting her boomerang back on her chest piece. "No problem" Sam responds, calming down after the beast laid still for long enough. Sam begins walking over, but jumps as Khonshu suddenly appears next to them. "Are we too late?" Charlie asks. "No, Harrow has only just started looking but we need to hurry. He's up ahead" Khonshu says, pointing at a far away light. The god fades away.

Charlie leads the way quickly, Sam running behind her. After dashing through the long corridor, they see the orange glow at the end. As they approach the light, they realize that it was a room. Entering the giant room, they see steps with multiple statues of Egyptian gods all around them. Harrow and some of his followers stand in the center of the wide room. Some of the men turn, noticing their presence, then catching Harrow's attention.

"It's over Harrow" Charlie says as Harrow turns and spots her. "Good to see you again Charlie" He says with a smile. "Cut the crap, it's over" Charlie says, angered by the evil man and everything he does and has been doing. Harrow smirks. "Is it? All this fighting has got you nowhere. Charlie, you follow orders from Khonshu. Can you really trust him? We don't have to fight. You could join me" He tries to convince her. Charlie scoffs, her mask and hood pulling back as she looks at him. "Seriously? You're going to pull that on me? You may be able to brainwash your minions into that shit but it won't work on me" Charlie says, the anger and annoyance in her eyes easy to spot. Harrow nods, leaning against his staff. "Fair enough. But, the thing is Charlie... I know what Luna wants" He admits, his smirk growing wider.

Charlie glares at the man. "How could you possibly know?" She asks, not showing him that he was right as she asked. Harrow looks at his staff. "This does more than judge those it touches. It knows all. It sees all. I can see what Luna wants. And I know you do not want the same as Luna" He says softly, knowing exactly what he was doing.

Charlie's face changes from anger and annoyance to a softer expression. "I could sense Luna's fear of everything. Khonshu, me, you, her condition. She wants it all to go away" He says, putting on a fake, concerned tone to further mess with her head. Charlie is now clearly hurt and angry. Khonshu appears beside Charlie. "Now's your chance, take him out. Kill him" He says, not thinking anything of what Harrow was saying. Charlie slowly looks back up at Harrow. "See, doing what you are told. Taking orders" He points out. Her face turns into anger. "No, I'm doing this for me" She steps forward. "Tell me... Have you told Luna everything?" Harrow asks.

Charlie stops, her expression slowly starting to change once again. Sam immediately looked over and stared at Charlie after what Harrow said last. "Don't listen to him, kill him" Khonshu says, now realizing that Harrow was actually getting to his avatar. "Have you told Luna everything?" He asks calmly and softly. Sam steps forward next to Charlie. "Stop it!" Sam shouts. "You should tell Luna everything, she deserves to know everything don't you think?" Harrow says. Charlie goes from angry, to sad as he speaks. She closes her eyes, attempting to block out his voice. It's too late though, she can only listen to what he was saying. Harrow steps forward.

"Do you think... Sam would love Luna if she knew everything?" He asks. Charlie's eyes open, her anger coming back immediately, more powerful and stronger than any other time. "You aren't a doctor and you aren't getting into my head. This ends now!" Charlie shouts. She charges forward, her mask and hood popping up as Harrow's henchmen shield him. Sam runs over to fight the men as well, Khonshu going after Harrow once again. Harrow dodges, jumps and rolls from Khonshu's attacks and swipes, making him more angry. Charlie goes back and forth between beating two men up, swiping one of their feet and hitting them to the ground. Sam takes out one and begins to fight another. Another man sneaks behind and grabs her, holding her back and rendering her unable to move. "Let go!" Sam shouts to the men. This yell catches Charlie's attention, causing her to turn around. This short chance was taken by Harrow. Raising his staff, he uses this opportunity to blast Charlie, effectively knocking her to the ground. Sam stops struggling for a second after she hears the blast and the thump, then notices Moon Knight on the ground.

"Charlie!" Sam calls to her, then continues to struggle in the man's grasp. Khonshu goes to attack Hardow, but he blasts the god harder with his staff. The blast sends the god crashing into a statue. Walking over to Khonshu, he raises his staff, speaking in Arabic once more. "muhasarin bialdaakhil" He chants. Repeating the line causes Khonshu to shrink and turn into stone. Charlie groans as she realizes what was happening. Eventually, Khonshu is the size of somebody with a slightly big hand, no less. With Khonshu now imprisoned, the Moon Knight suit along with all of the abilities fade away, being withered and pulled away from Charlie's body.

Harrow turns and spots Charlie as she stands up. Sam struggles to break free while Charlie goes to attack. She barely gets close to him before Harrow blasts her again with his staff. "No!" Sam shouts as Charlie grunts and groans on the ground. "Stop fighting Charlie, there's no point" Harrow says calmly. Angry and determined, she slowly tried to get up again with Sam still struggling nearby. Again, Harrow blasts Charlie, making her unable to get back up from the floor and causing Sam to become more and more upset. He walks towards the woman on the ground.

"Charlie..." He stops next to the woman, looking down at her and beginning to smile. "Stop hiding" Harrow simply says. Quickly, he lifts his staff, the bottom being pointy and sharp. He drives his staff into Charlie, piercing her as she shouts in pain.

Sam screams and breaks free, hitting the men hard. Harrow walks away with his weapon, not caring about the two women anymore as he leaves the room. Sam falls to the ground next to the girl. She picks Charlie up gently. "Hey, you're okay. Come on, stay with me. You stay with me okay. Just stay with me please" Sam's voice becomes shaky as she begins to cry. Charlie groans softly in pain as she bleeds. "I-I... I'm" She weakly tries to say something. "It's okay, please just stay with me. I can't lose Luna. Come on" Sam sniffles, cutting her off as she tries to speak.

"I'm sorry... so... sorry" Charlie utters. She breathes out and her eyes close as well. Her body goes limp as Sam holds her close and cries.

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