Part one

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Please dont steal my idea. I dont own any of the characters only


15 years ago

Peters pov

I sat in the rainbow room with my closest (and only) friend (Y/N), number 023. I loocked over at her, my blue eyes locking with her (e/c) eyes and smiled.

I remembered the first day we met. It was just two years ago, she had beautiful (h/c) locks and the kindest smile that I only got to see once since papa (which i hated calling him) took her away. And she returned two days later with a tatoo that read 023, and her (h/c) locks were gone.

Ever since then I became her friend and spent all my time with her wanting to cheer her up again. We have always been there for each other and promised to never call each other by our numbers and our names only.

Now back to reality.

I sent her a sad smile. She looked so weak and tired. I watched as a rare sight unfolded. The smallest smile for the first time since I first saw her, cracked from her lips.

I gasped a bit and she frowned in confusion. Her smile disappearing making me a bit sad.

"What?" She asked

"You smiled." I replied

"What have I never smiled before?" She laughed

She laughed. What was happening. Was this a dream?

"Is this a dream? Because you haven't smiled since your first day here."

A sad smiled apeared on her lips.

"The bad men have stopped with the tourture." She said

I recucently looked down at the faint red and black bruises on her arms. They werent as visable as they use to be.

I smiled brightly a scooted closer to her pulling her into a hug. She hugged me back burying her head into my cheast.

My attention moved away from her at the moment as a small square block came hurdling towards us. I squeezed my eyes shut as it hit me square in the head. Laughter from the other side of the room was heard and the voice of number 013 was heard.

"Hey! Weaklings!"

I rolled my eyes and glared at 013 and his two friends 003 and 019. (Y/n) turned around aswell and quickly hopped up going with that look on her face, the one that she could kill you with. She began to walk straight towards them about to point her arm up in there direction.

"(Y/n) dont!" I hissed pulling her back towards me.

"I have had enough of them!" She whisper yelled.

"(y/n) they could kill you." I whispered back with worry lacing my voice.

She sighed in understandment and turned around to only be met face to chest with 013
(Y/n) slowly moved back against my chest nervously looking up at him with almost fear in her eyes. He was much taller and stronger then she was.

"Go away 013." I said already annoyed.

013 smirked. "I came to talk to 023. I saw she was about to come over to us. Did you have something to say number 023"

"N-no i-i uh didnt." She stuttered. She was no longer mad at him and now scared.

"Let me ask again." His eyes flickered up the the camera in the coner and moved it in the opposite direction with his mind control powers so it was no longer facing us. He looked to his friends and nodded.

I've always loved you (Peter Ballard X (Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now