Part 12

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"Ok us what you can do."

Peter sqeezed my hand before letting it go. I slowly made my way over to papa's side and looked at the rabbit that sat on the table.

I grew nervous. All eyes were on me. I couldn't do this to an innocent animal! Why would papa make me turn into a monster?

I looked up at him and he nodded with a smile.

"Go on, 023."

I looked back at the rabbit stairing into its small eyes and focused in.

The rabbit started to squirm and suddenly lift off from the ground. I begun to tear up. I didnt want to do this to an innocent creature, but if I didn't papa would get mad.

In one blink of the eye the rabbit exploded. Its guts splattering on the wall.

"Amazing" I heard papa utter under his breath.

I ran back over to Peters side and clung onto his hand.

"023. I did not dismiss you. Theres one more thing." Papa said.

I recucently walked back over to his side and the bad men brought in an older man that i have never seen before. He didn't look scared nore confused.

"Now I want you to do the exact same thing you did to the rabbit to this man."

I looked at papa in shock and shook my head no.

"023" he warned

"I wont do it." I said with confidence. But deep down i was frightened. I never disagreed with him before. What would he do to me?

The bad men stepped foward and grabbed my arms pulling me away. I panicked and yelled out for Peter. He was about to run after me until papa gave him a warning look.

I kept eye contact with Peters blue eyes until the doors closed. I was then dragged down the hall and thrown into a small room.

I stood up and started to bang on the door beginning to panic. I looked around and watched as the walls began to close in on me. My chest rose up and down in a quick manner and my breathing became ragged.

I sobbed silently and fell to the ground curling up into a ball keeping my thoughts on Peter to calm me down.

Gasping for air I opened my eyes. I quickly them though them after looking directly into a bright light above my head. Flashes of me killing that rabbit went through my head and then I got another one. A worse one. It was me lifting a boy into the air and suddenly his head popped! Litterly. Blood splatter everywhere.

I opened them back up and searched around the room. Each corner was dark and I could only see what was infront of me.


He was still asleep and a trickle of blood dripped down his forehead.

"Peter? PETER WAKE UP!" I shouted and began to panic.

I wanted to desperately go to him if it weren't for the restraints around my wrist and ankles.

He began to stire and open his eyes connecting them with mine.

"(Y/n)? Whats going on." He asked and when he went to move he relized he was stuck.

"I dont know whats going on but were stuck here."

Suddenly a look of fear came over his face. He tugged hard against the restraints but it was no use.

A door was heard creaking open and Dr. Brenner stepped into the light.

"I am sorry I have to do this to you children but your love for eachother only fuels your powers. We cant have you must be punished."

Peter clenched his fist and locked his jaw as the bad men walked towards us. They wripped off my shirt leaving me in my bra and wripped off Peters aswell.

"Please dont! LEAVE HER OUT OF THIS!" Peter shouted at Dr. Brenner.

But Brenner ignored him and the bad men took out a long stick that lit up with orange bolts.

"STOP IT! NO PLEASE!" Peters voice yelled as he watched them bring the bolts towards me.

I locked eyes with Peter and froze with fear.

"Stay strong (y/n). Okay? I love you." Peter said.

I gave him a weak smile and as soon as it met my skin sharp stinging shocks went through my skin up to my brain.


A loud blood curdling scream escaped my lips. The pain was horrible and they did it again pulseing the bolts into me keeping it there for a whole 20 seconds.

Another scream wripped out from my mouth making Peter tear up. He never wanted this for me. He didnt want me to feel pain.

They then stopped and walked over to Peter.

"No..." i said weakly.

His screams started. They were horrible to listen to. I squeezed my eyes shut and soon the bolts were pulsed back into me again.

Mine and Peters screams echoed together.
Soon I could see his head go limp and my vision began to falter. I looked above peters head. There was light from a window and before i could pass out I caught a glimpse of a face.

011- Janes face.

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