Part 13

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I slowly opened my eyes only to meet a bright white light. Everything was blurry as I lifted myself off a bed.

I finally regained focus and saw I was in my room. I went to stand up but quickly fell back into bed feeling sore.

I shakingly stood back up and slowly walked over to my bathroom wincing each time. Walking in i took in my appearance as i staired back at myself in the mirror seeing my red puffy eyes and tear streaks on my cheeks.

The memories from last night came back hitting me like a frait train.

Was peter okay?

I hesitated before lifting my shirt to see big red and purple welts on my stomach and chest. My fingers grazed the brusies. Wincing at the
touch tears begun to well up in my eyes. I no longer wanted to be in this lab anymore. They ruined everything for me! The only good thing out of this was that I got to be with peter again.

I was determined to get out of here and rushed off out my room to find Peter. I didnt care if Brenner got in my way. Not this time I won't. Not when I know exactly what I'm capable of.


I rushed into the rainbow room seeing Peter sitting next to Jane. He looked up at me and shook his head for me to stop as I began to make my way over to him. He jestered to the camera and mouthed "janators closet"

I nodded. Before leaving though i looked straight into the cameras. They were watching and it was like a laugh in the face.

I soon made my way to the janitors closet caseing the area before going in, in case anyone saw. As I waited i lifted up my shirt to look back at the bruises. They brought back horrible memories.

The door opened and in walked Peter. He chaught a glimpse of my bruises and i quickly pulled my shirt down.

"Don't hide them." He whispered grabbing my hands. Peter pressed a kiss to my knuckles and slipped his hands underneath my shirt lifting it up over my head and throwing it to the side.

I slowly unbuttoned his shirt and grazed my fingers delicately over his bruises. It pained me to see him like that.

"They did this cause we love eachother." I stated sadly.

He grabbed my hands and interlocked our fingers. Peter then lowered himself down, his hot breath hitting against my skin and he gently kissed each bruise from my stomach all the way up to my cheast. He made his way all the way up to my lips taking them for his own.

He soon broke the kiss and spoke softly in my ear. "they did this because they know how powerful we can be together."

"What do you suggest we do?" I breathed out

There was a long pause

"They hurt whats mine...we escape tonight."

Authors note: go read my new peter Ballard story. Dont worry i will continue this one. I will update in one or two days.


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