Part 19

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We all got peter to a car and drove him to a place he didn't know. My house. It was only a four minute ride away and even shorter then that due to me speeding down the road.

We pulled into my drive way and everyone got out of there cars except for me and peter.

"Go wait out side for mommy okay." I told my son.

"Okay." Johnny got out of the car and stood off to the side with the others.

"Will i be able to get to know johnny more?" Peter asked.

"Hopefully.... You know he looks just like you." I laughed.

"I want to be a family. I wanna be your husband. I want to be a father." Peter said with a smile and placed a hand on my thigh. It was like old times when he would comfort me.

I leaned foward and pressed my lips to his and whispered against them.

"You want me to burn this creature out of you?"

"Yes... you have to." He replied with his eyes shut and pressed his lips roughly onto mine. But it wasn't his regular kiss. He was stalling as he gripped my chin keep the kiss connected. I placed a hand against his chest and roughly pulled him back into his seat.

"Ok... "

I started the car and reared it backwards.

"What are you doing!" Peter said. He sounded more angery and not himself. It was back. His split personality.

"Im gonna burn the damn thing out of you." I growled.

He looked at me with hate and before he knew it i rammed the car into the Garage of my house and into the boiler that exploded.....


My vision went in and out and all I could hear was a ringing in my ears.

The car was now on fire and heating up fast. I was surprised that myself or peter hadn't died yet.

I coughed and soon everything hurt. I looked over to peter who was knocked out cold and blood dripping from his nose and in his blood locks with his head held limply to the side.

I turned ignoring the pain in my head and chest moving over to the door and pushed it open. The door crashed to the floor. I winched at the loud impact.

Unbuckling my seatbelt i slowly move to walk out and could see the faint sunrise poring in from outside. I smiled and just before i could go my wrist was grabbed and forcefully pulled back into the car.

"You think you can go!" The monster in peter shouted.

I looked deep into his evil eyes and punched him square in the nose.

He lept back a glared at me. But before he could make any sudden movements I reached out from the car and grabbed a rope that laid on the floor of the garage and pinned peter to the seat straddling his waist.

"You will not take Peter from me. NOT THIS TIME!" I shouted wrapping the rope around him and tying him to the seat.

His struggled in my surprisingly strong grip and I watched as black veins crawled up his neck to his face.

He let out a painful yell hurting my heart.

"Just hold in there." I whispered and kissed his head.

We were both now covered in sweat and He let out one more painful cry and a black smoke came pouring out from his mouth evaporating in the air.


"(Y/n).... " he breathed out. I cried happy tears and hugged him tightly. He weakly patted my back.

"We gotta get out of here." He rasped out. I agree and kicked open his side of the door pulling him out with me.

We wrapped our arms around eachother for support and continued out of the burning garage and before we knew it my car exploded.

The explosion was real. So real that it knocked everyone one to there feet. Me and peter fell to the ground just a few feet apart.

I clutched my head and glanced over at peter as my vision came back.

"Ja- peter... peter it's over now. We can be a family again." I said and when I relized his wasnt responding i lept forward and pulled his head into my lap. Cupping his limp head.

"Hey... can your hear me? Wake up! I don't like this." I gently shook his shoulders but he wouldn't stir.

This wasnt right. Why wasnt he waking up?

"Come on!!! Wake up... please." Tears welled up in my eyes and a hand was placed on my shoulder it was one of the older kids but I couldn't make out who due to my watering eyes bluring my vision.

"Wake up damnit!"


"All right thats a rap on season four! I like your improve in that scene. I think were gonna keep i that way. Great job everyone" the duffer brothers announced and everyone aplauded and hugged ecahother some bursting into tears. But me I only glared at Jamie who pushed up from the ground and towered over me.

"Whats wrong love? You look upset." He said, in his British accent.

"You asshole!" I hit his cheast. "That wasn't in the script. You scared me." I said feeling tears roll down my face.

"Aww come here darling." He held open his arms pulling me to his chest.

"Sorry if my amazing acting scared you." He said.

"Yeah well sometimes your to good of an actor." I said with a small smile peaking through.

He gave me his all famous smile and wiped my tears away pulling out a ring from his pocket.

"Will you take this ring back my lovely wife."

"Of course I will, my lovely husband, only if you take yours back." I replied pulling his ring out from my pocket.

We held out our hands and placed our rings on one and other's fingers.

"I hate taking them off."

"Well you know for the "movies sake" they dont want the plot to be ruined." He turned to me and winked and kissed my lips.

"Now lets go get that coffee."

The end

Authors note:
I hope you all enjoyed Im so sorry if that caught yall off guard 💀
/ I want to thank you so much again for 100 K reads💕

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