Part five

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Dr. Brenner brought me to my new room and i had questioned him on how long i would be staying here for but he just ignored me and said that i would not have to worry about it.

I sighed at sat on what was my new bed and looked around the room. It wasnt much. Everything was white and it was small with only an uncomfortable bed and a bedside tabled with a lamp that lit up the whole room.

There wasnt even a window. I was starting to regret coming here. But atleast i'd be with peter right?

Were we allowed to leave? I should have asked. But had the feeling it would be a no. I serched the room for my new clothes and found them lying in a box.

As I picked it up I spoted something beeping red in the corner of my eye.

A camera?

I scoffed and glared at it. Does he really expect me to chage infront of that? Hell no. I sat back down on my bed and stared at the door. I was growing more angrier then usual and foucsed on the door.

I noticed there was no lock on my side. Was I locked in?

I stood up and tushed over to the door and gripped the nob.

Son of a bitch. He locked me in.

Knock! Knock!

"(Y/n) Are you there?" Peters voice asked from the other side.

"Peter!? Im locked in!" I shouted And began to panic trying to desperately pull open the door.

"Peter! Please help?!"

                                Flash back

        "Peter! Help me please!? Dont let them take me!" My younger self screamed as she was torn from peters arms and thrown into a small dark sound proof room and locked in.


Just then the door swung open and I stumbled back. There stood peter looking just as panicked as me.

He ran over to my side and I immediately clung onto him.

"P-peter i remebered somthing."

"What was it?" He asked and sat me down on the bed.

I looked up at him and shook my head refusing to say.

He sighed and cressed my cheek gently.

"Whatever it is you can tell me. But i will not force it out of you."

I nodded in understandment


"Ah! Ow." I hissed in pain as a sudden shock ran through my neck. It was like a masquto bite but worse.

I held my neck and frowned when I could feel something underneath my skin.

"What the hell..."

Without saying a word peter reached out and ran two of his fingers against my neck. He was so delecate as he glided them up and down. He stopped by whatever it was beneath my skin and pulled away looking at me with sad eyes.

"I didnt want this happening to you."

"What? What is this thing in my neck."

"It's a tracker and makes people like us weaker." He replied.

"What are we in prison?" I asked beginning to panic once more.

I spoke louder when he didnt answer me.
"Are we allowed to leave this place?"

"...once a week for one hour only. But this morning I was allowed to leave for about 35 minutes."

I let out a sarcastic laugh.


"I dont know." He spoke sadly

I frowned. "How long have you been here?"

He looked down not wanting to meet my eyes.

"Ive never left."



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