Part nine

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I waited a couple of minutes before wondering off to the janitors closet. I slowly opened the door and peered down each hallway to make sure know one was watching.

But I completely forgot about the cameras that flashed with a red dot from down the halls aiming right in my direction.

Walking into the small room there wasnt much to it. Just a trash can in the corner and a mop with cleaners.

Why did he want to meet here? Because there were no camras? Why did he need to speak with me were there were no cameras? I then started to think back to yesterday.

The way he touched me. When he pressed against me and i could feel his....

The door soon opened and in walked Peter closeing the door queitly.

"Did anyone see you?" He asked as he walked closer, towering over me.


He quickly pulled me closer and kissed me deeply. Our lips moved against eachother in a fast desperate manner. This was what we craved for so long.

"I've waited so long to do that, You know?"
He said taking a deep breath his lips were still close to mine as he continued. "We have to keep this relationship secret. If Dr. Brenner finds out..."

"Wait but...what about last night? The camra-"

"The cameras go out for five minutes each night and i just happened to be lucky." He whispered with a smirk.

I laughed and kissed his soft lips once more and asked. "You told me about some plan. What was it?"

He sighed. "We have to find away to get 011 out of here maybe even get ourselves out of here. Have a life free of worrying about the bad men. We could reshape everything."

Reshape everything

His words echoed in my head. Reshape what?

I recucently agreed and kissed him agian.

"I love you." he muttered against my lips.

I've always loved you (Peter Ballard X (Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now