Part six

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     It has been a couple days now and i have grown accustomed to the rutines around here. We could only were white pants with a white shirt and a white lab coat which was optional. Other then that we were never allowed to wear normal clothes.

I had gotten to know all the children better and gotten closets with 011. I hated calling her that.
I hated what we were doing. There was something about her though that reminded me a lot of myself.

I was on my way to the rainbow room with Peter by my side. He told me how he thought about all of this and about pap- dr. Brenner and was glad we were on the same terms.

Just as we reached the rainbow room doors Peter turned to me and grabbed my hands in his soft nimble ones.

"Today we are free to go out for two hours. Where do you want to go."

I looked at him and smiled. I was excited I finally got to leave and get some freash air for once.

"I want to stop by the coffe shop i work at- or used to I think." I said

He nodded and opened the door for me and followed in after. It was the same sight as usual with the kids making the blocks float. The three older kids who sat in the corner. I didnt like them much though because they bullied 011 and reminded me of someone who hurt me and Peter.

We spotted 011 all alone playing with one of the toys. She focused in on the small circle trying the make it go to the 3 at the bottom but would always fail.

Me and peter sat down next to her and peter took the red circle from her hand.

"You know...its helpful to take a step back for a moment. Let the mind clear."

She didn't answer and he continued

"You remind me of someone." his eyes flickered over to me and back to 011. I shot him a look. He could have easily revealed us.

He looked back over at the bored and place the red circle flat on number 1.

I narrowed my eyes at him. He wasnt weak. I hated when he puts himself down.

011 spoke up for the first time sicne yesterday "001? But papa says he-"

"Doesn't exist...I know."

011 grew quiet.

Peter glance up at the camera in the corner of the room and whispered to 011. "Can i tell you a secret. Sometimes papa doesn't tell the truth."

He continued with his bs story. "I spent years with 001. Right here in this very room."

"Where is he?" 011 asked

"Maybe will save that story for another day. It doesnt have a happy ending im afraid." He locked eyes with me as he said that and looked back to 011.

"But he was a lot like you. Everything was hard for him. Then out of nowere he walked in here and it was like something had changed. He made a friend for the first time. And she was everything to him. She made him stronger through all his emotions. Eveyday these two Would stay by eachothers side and 001 would always try his hardest to make (y/-" he stopped short and continued.

"To make her happy because he secretly felt something for her. Something he never felt before. Something like love. She never smiled though. Not until one day he got to see her smile for a second. But she was taken from him."

My mouth fell agap as I listened to him finish the story about himself. Was that all true. Did he feel the same way I did? Does he still feel the same way? What if he was lieing just to get a luagh out of me like from when we were younger. But it wouldnt be funny to me.

"Well anyways." He pushed himself up off the ground and went over to my side holding out his hand.

I looked up at him in shock and he gave me a smirk in return.

"It's time for us to go. We will see you tomorrow 011." He said.

I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up close to him. Our noses almost touching. A blush fell over my cheeks and I quickly moved back and could have sworn I saw some hurt in his eyes.

He let my hand go and we both walked out of the lab in silence. We walked over to our cars which happened to be parked right next to eachother.

"I'll drive" he said

I (hoppered) 😉 into the passenger seat and stayed quiet staring out the window as he begun to drive off getting lost in thought.

"So uh...did you like my story back there because it didnt seem like you did." He sounded upset.

" was just surprising is all. Never thought you would lie to her like that though." I said.

He scoffed. "What do you mean lie?"

"Never mind." I said not wanting to upset him more then he was.

"(Y/N) talk to me like we used to...please." He begged. He saw i was upset to and if there was one thing he hated it would be seeing me upset. But why was i upset? I shouldnt be upset. I had no reason to be i was just being overdramatic.

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;time skip;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

We arived at the coffee shop with a tense silent atmosphere and sat down at the counter.

Sharing glances with each other guilt was eating us up. We never fought before. But was it really a fight?

A loud gasp was suddenly heard
"Oh my gosh (y/n) your alive?!" My friend Kelly said and ran from behind the counter pulling me
Into a hug.

"Sorry ive been gone for a while-"

She pulled away and inturpted. "No dont be sorry. Everyone thought you were dead after the fire. But i didnt you see. Your car was gone so I figured you couldn't have been home when it happened." She spoke fast an I wondered if I heard her correctly.

Fire? What fire

"Hold on. What fire?"

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