Part 17

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I got in my station wagon with my son sitting in the back. And i drove off following the others in there car.

We drove all the way to the place i dreaded to come back to.

The lab

Yes I stayed in hawkens but i hoped that i would bever have to came back to see this place again. I never planned on getting Peter back because i thought he was dead and always had the feeling he was watching over me.

We pulled into the abandoned parking lot and parked.

I reached to the back seat and grabbed my sons hand looking into his bright blue eyes. Oh how they looked so much like peters.

"Listen to me sweetheart... i need you to stay here, okay? Dont leave this car until i return."

"But why?" Johnny said in a small voice.

"Because I have to go."

"Will you be back?" Tears welled up in his eyes as he said that almost breaking my heart.

"Honey i will be right back. You stay here." I said once more and left my car locking the doors.

U walked over to all the kids. It amazed me how they have defeted all those creatures and now... they would defeat my love. And i would help.

"So what exactly is this called."

"The upside down." Said the kid eddie who walked past me.

I wrung my hands together nervously and glanced back at my car where my son peeked out looking towards me with worry in his eyes

"If... your scared, you dont have to come in." Jane said.

"No... no i.. i'm okay." I reassured though i had a feeling she knew how i felt

"By the way, whats your favorite song?" Eddie asked

I looked at him confused and said. "The final count down."

"Alright! You got good taste in music. I can definitely play that." He said pulling out a guitar from the trunk of steves car.

"Why would you need that?"

"Music saves lives."

ccccccccccccccccccc time skip cccccccccccccccccc

We soon entered the building. It was dark and quiet and we took slow steps down the hall shining our flashlight along the walls.

The place was destroyed but it didnt stop me from all the memories from when i was here... with peter.

We soon made our way to the room i dreaded the most. The rainbow room.

Were peter died.

I looked down to the ground solomly and walked over to the broken glass that led to another room.
I gided my light up the wall seeing the large glowing red crack. It was bigger then itt used to be.

"So... how will we do this?" I asked turning to the kids.

"I guess we just-"

Suddenly our flashlights began to fliker wildly and a low vibration was heard and then a low evil voice spoke.

"Eleven. We meet again."

Jane moved passed me and everyone staired at what ever was behind me in horror. I was afraid to turn around. Afraid at what i would see.

"Let me see your face (y/n)" the deep voice spoke sending chills down my spine.

I let out a shaky breath and turned around. What i saw... it was discussting. I didnt recognize this thing... monster! He was a red slimey person. His skin looked as if it were made of large vains.

"My love... dont you remember?" He tilted his head and smirked putting up his arm to reveal the number 001 tatoo.

I gasped hoping it wasnt true.

"Your not peter" I spat glaring at him. This couldn't be him. Did evil really do this to him?

He stepped foward and no one dared moved a mussle. I glanced over at jane who looked ready to attack any moment and glared at the monster before me.

"Your. Not. Peter." I said one more and stood my ground. "Peter is not a monster!"

There was a flash of hurt in his eyes and he rolled his head back and slowly transformed into peter... he was the same as i last saw him. His soft blonde locks and beautiful blue eyes. But he was still not himself.

Tears gathered in my eyes.

"Peter-" but before i could get a word in He reached his hand out and gripped my throat lifting me off from the ground. My eyes widen as did everyone else's. Jane through her arm up but I stopped her but muttering a quick no.

Peters grip tightened and my face turned red as i began to lose air.

"P-peter please..." I croaked out swinging my legs and my hands placed on his trying to free his grip .

"T-this isnt yo-you!"

Just then the doors swung open putting everyone on alert.

"MOMMY!" Johnny came running in with tears

I told you to stay in the car. I told him telepathically.

Peter tilted his head looking at my kid. His smirk dropped and he had the look of betrayal.

"You moved on?" His sounded sad as he looked back at me.

I could feel his grip loosen and soon drop me to the floor. Everyone gathered behind me holding up there wepons ready for a war.

Peter looked beyond mad as he ran his fingers harshly through his hair.

He began to pace back in forth and glanced over at me with such hate.

I turned to Johnny and pulled him into my arms protectivly.

"Peter calm down."

"Calm down? CALM DOWN!? You whore."

I felt a stick go through my heart at his words.

"Peter you don't understand i-"

"NO! Okay? You never loved me. Clearly there living proof right infront of me."

Those words sunk even deeper and i could not take it anymore.

I stood up planting both feet firmly on the ground and swung my arm out sending him across the room.

Authors note: i was thinking about making an Eddie munson reader. Would you guys read it?


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