Part 14

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It was time.

Me and Peter stood next to each other faceing all the numbers who were lines up against the wall.

Yesterday there was another incedent with jane. She was being bullied again and got a concussion. It made me furious that me and Peter werent able to help since we were knocked out.

Brenner was going to punish 002. I wanted to get revenge on the one who hurt jane but felt a bit remorse.

"Good morning children." He said in a cold tone.

"Good morning papa."

"Todays lession is going to be about rules." He said and continued.

"Ah, for some of you... this may seem redundant. For others it appears a refresher is required. Eleven please step forward."

She was the only one wear a gown while everyone else was in pajamas. She nervously stepped foward looking down at the ground.

"Last night your sister eleven suffered a concussion during her alone time in the rainbow room. Now she claims to not have a memory of what happened. But injuries of this nature don't simply happen. Someone did this. Someone in this room. Now... who's going to tell me what happened?"

The kids were deathly quiet and appeared to be frightened.

"She must've... fallen."

Everyone turn there attention to 002. It looked almost as if he had a small grin on his lips and he stiffled back a laugh.

"Fallen?" Brenner mocked

"You've seen her papa. She's clumsy. Stupid"

The numbers around him couldn't hold it back anymore and laughed.

"Eleven you may step back."

She did as she was told and brenner locked eyes with number two.

"Number two you may step foward."

Me and Peter looked up from the ground, our hands folded behind our backs as we glared at number 002 who slowly stepped foward.

"Coller him."

Those words brought shivers down my spine as I thought back to a time where Peter had gotten the coller once. He must've noticed my discomfort and stepped closer grabbing my hand, gliding his thumb over the top. We didn't care who saw anymore. This was our last night here.

Brenner stepped over to 002 and took off his coat handing it to a doctor who traded it for the small remote.

"You think because you demonstrate some talent that your somehow immune to the rules. Is that it?"

"No papa."

"That the rules don't apply to you in the same way that they apply to your brothers and sisters?"

"No papa." Two replied once more

"Then why did you attack eleven?" Brenner said in a harser tone

"Did she tell you that?!"

"Are you asking the questions or am i? Did you attack eleven!"

"If she told you that, then... she's lying."

Brenner spun the dial to 70 not saying a word and two begun to panic.

"Papa, please. You have to believe me. Papa please. She's lying!" He then suddenly fell to the floor being shocked by bolts of electricity.

He groined in pain and curled up into a ball.

"Now should we try again? What happened." Brenner pressed and turned the dial up to 85.

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