Part four

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"Please stop hurting him!" A young (y/n) screamed watching her best friend being totured by the bad men.


Andother scream from peter escape from his lungs and the electric sticks connected with his bear skin and suddenly the men around him dropped the shockers and begun to levitate off the ground. And then.....


There heads exploded, blood splattering everywhere.

"Interesting how she will only use her powers when he is in any kind of danger." Dr. Brenner smirked from behind the mirror watching the sence unfold.


I suddenly jolted up from my dream and saw i was sitting in a chair infront of a desk.

Did I pass out?

I must have been speaking allowed because the door was heard closing and dr. Brenner spoke up.

"Yes you did."

My eyes follow him suspiciously as he sat down in his chair.

"Do you remember?" He asked straight away

I thought back to the dream and what he said. She will only use her powers when he's in danger. Did he mean me? Was that what this was all a long. For me to find out what I really was.

"Do i... do i have powers?" I felt stupid asking that. But i needed to know.

And all he did was smile.
"Im surprised you remembered that quick. But it's a good thing or you would have to go through tuffer experiences for you to remember."

I frowned at those words. "Tuffer" what did he mean by that? Was that also what i had forgotten? Did they hurt me?

"Know if you would follow me please."
Dr. Brenner stood up from his seat and opened the door waiting for me to follow.

Hesitately I followed out into the familiar hallway. Each door i passed had numbers one them.

As we passed the last one I stopped and stared at it.

023 it read

I looked down at my tattoo and felt upset. I really am just a number arent I.

"Dont worry you will not go by 023 anymore. You are now Dr.(L/N) and if you continue to follow me im sure you will be pleased to see who you will be working with most your time here."

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;time skip;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

We walked through apair of doors and there were kids in gowns. They were atleast up to the age of 16 and some no younger than five. I watched as to young ones were sitting on the floor playing with blocks and making them float without having to touch them.

"Good morning children." Dr. Brenner spoke up addressing his pressence.

They all stopped what they were doing and stood in a line on eather side of us.

I started to remember a younger version of my self lineing up standing next to Peter.

And just at the thought of Peter I saw him walking down through the middle of kids and us to us.

We both locked eyes knowing exactly how much we missed eachother. And I could not contain myself anymore. I jumped foward pulling him into a tight hug.

I heard a faint ow fall from his lips but i ignored it as he hugged me back tightly.

Something fet off though. Why does something always have to feel off?

He buried his head into the crook of my neck. "I missed you so much, you know?" He whispered. I could feel a smile apear on his lips.

I pulled away a looked at him as i did from before.

"You look so different." I said

"You dont. You look the same as you did on your first day here. Your (h/c) locks grew out even more beautiful than before." He replied in his rich voice

I smiled and he did to. But something in the air ligered and it wast just friendship.

Our attention went back to Dr. Brenner who wore an almost disapproving look.

"Now kids. This is Dr.(L/n) and she will be working along side Dr.Ballard and you will treat her with respect like you do with mr. Ballard."

The kids nodded in silence until one spoke up.
"You wear weird clothes." It was one of the older kids in which caused the group of them to all laugh except one who was quiet. She wasnt like the others.

I looked down and my baggey jeans and my pink sweater. It wasnt bad. I thought. But the kids thought other wise and so did pap- DR.! brenner...

"Well i will escort you to your room and there you will have your new clothes provided."

Authors note: okay so like ever since i finished the forth season i have fallen in love with this guy at first glance. Like i know he not that good and all but STILL. He's peter ballard

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