Part eight

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I woke up after only an hour of sleep to the alarm that had been going off every morning for ten seconds to wake everyone up.

I was tired and barley got any sleep due to the fact that I could not get peter off my mind. Peter always loved me. How stupid could i have been to not know.

I walked out of my room to only be met face to face with Peter. He smiled and we both set off for the rainbow room side by side.

"Do you believe what i told you last night?" He asked as we walked down the empty hall.

"I belive you." I Said grabbing his hand.

"Good." He said tracing his thumb across the back of my hand.

We soon walked into the rainbow room and as soon as we did i almost flipped out. 012 014 and 003 were standing around 011 throwing her around like a rag doll.

"Hey! What are you doing." The kids stepped back and 011 tripped falling to the ground.

I rushed over to 011 and helped her up.

"Are you ok?"


I looked back over to peter who pulled 012 over to the side silently scoolding him.
                                Peters pov:

I leaned down to 012's hight and whispered so no one else could hear.

"Do you see Dr.(l/n) over there." The kid just glared at me and crossed his arms.

I continued. "One time when she was younger a boy just like you bullied her and do you know what she did? She made his head explode. If you tell anyone about this coversation you will have the same outcome as a bully should."

The kid looked a t me with fear.

"Leave 011 alone." I spoke in a monitone voice

"Sorry Dr. Ballard..."

                              (Y/n)s pov:

I watched the exchange between Peter and 012. 012 looked scared after Peter walked back over to me.

"011 you can come out from behind Dr. (L/n)"Peter said smiling warmly.

011 who hid behind me peeked her head out and walked foward to peter. He grabbed her hand and leaned down to her level.

"They wont bother you anymore." His eyes flickerd to mine and he stood straight up. And walked to my side. And folded his hands together.

"What did you tell him he looks frightened." I asked looking over at 012 who kept giving me a scared glace.

He leaned down by my ear speaking softly. "Dont worry about it. I am going to take the kids to Dr.Brenner. Meet me in the janitors closet down the hall there are no camras there." He quickly kissed my cheek and looked to the kids grabbing there attention.

"Children papa wants us all to go to the study room so if you would follow me." He said and guided the out the doors. And just before they closed he sent me a smirk.

I've always loved you (Peter Ballard X (Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now