Part seven

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I stepped slowly through the rumble of what was now my burnt down house.

Everything was gone. Just chared ashes.

I didnt even relize tears were falling down my eyes until Peter came to my side and grabbed my hand.

He placed a hand under my chin and turned my head towards him.

"Who could have done this?"

Peter wiped away my tears and spoke gently. "It was most likely the lab."

"What? Why would they do that." I ask in disbelief.

"To erase the old you. Maybe its a bad idea that we went to a local place. We could have possibly put your friend in danger..."

My heart dropped at the thought of kelly she just got married and wanted to start a family.

"I have to go warn her!" I said and went to go to the car before peter held me back.

He towered over me and kept both hands on my cheeks.

"You cant. They will stop you before you can. They will hurt you." He said just above a whisper.

I looked up in his blue eyes and fell quiet as he gazed longly into my (e/c) ones.

"We need to work together to stop them."

"Well how."

"I have a plan but we must be queit about it."

"What the thing in our neck? Can we take it out?" I asked

"No they will know. They will know each time we make contact. They have there eyes on us right now."

His eyes flickered up making contact with a white van that had drak tinted windows parked across the street.

I peeked over his shoulder but he quickly pulled me to look back at him.

"Your not mad at me...are you?" He asked suddenly.

"No i could never be mad at you." I reassured

"Thank you." He pulled me into a hug resting his head ontop of mine.

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;time skip;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

We got back to the lab and walked past a couple men in lab coats. I glared at them knowing exactly who they were. They tortured peter that time.

If i could use my powers on them right at this very moment i would but the chip in my neck made me weak and I could not recall what on earth my powers did.

Peter walked me to my room and closed the door behind us.

He turned around and allowed me to change into my pajamas which were a white shirt and white shorts. I was starting to get bored wearing the same color everyday.

"You know its true. The story i told 011." Peter spoke up in a mere whisper as i pulled on my shorts.

I stopped before i could put my shirt on and glanced back at him. He was still facing the wall with his hands in his pockets.

I felt butterflies in my stomach but i still could not believe him. As much as i wanted to i just couldn't. He's not the same person as he used to be. There was something different anout him that i could not figure out. And yes of course i loved him but what if he was saying this to make me go along with his plan?

I didnt even know his plan. Were his intentions good or bad?

"You dont love me." I said sadly and was about to put my shirt on. But before i could i felt his cold hand be placed on my back and he traced his fingers around to my stomach. He placed his hand flat again and pulled me closer. I dropped my shirt to the ground and froze taking in slow, shaky breathes.

He moved my hair to the side and leaned down whispering in the crook of my ear.

"I've always loved you."

"Do you feel that." He whispered and pressed me harder against him.

My eyes widened as he pressed himself harder against me. I held my breath.

"That means i love you." He whispered one last time and walked away.

I turned around to look at him and he sent me a smirk before he left me to my thoughts.

I smiled wildly and jumped down onto my bed.

Did Peter ballard really just do that?

Authors note: btw i am sorry if this hasent been good so far. Sorry for spelling errors. I have been going through this fast.

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