Part 16

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5 years later

Ding dong

I placed my coffee down on the counter and let out an annoyed huff.

Who the hell could be knocking this earth in the morning.

I stomped over to the door. Another ring rung from the doorbell before i could swing open the door.

"Alright hold on!" I yelled and swung the door open.

There were a group of kids that i have never seen before and standing before them was... 011/jane.

I gasped. She looked just like she used to but older. Her hair was shaved off... was she still a lab rat to brenner?


"We... we need your help."

////////////////time skip//////////////

"And you think im the key to get rid of him for good." I said as the group of kids finished there story.

I learned jane had been out from the lab for a couple years now which made me happy but hearing that peter, My peter. Was a monster now, hurt me. It hurt me that i could not have saved him that day.

I would do anything to get him back.

"Yes. Your Vecnas weakness. And we need you to get rid of him for good." The kid mike said who I learned was janes boyfriend.

I didnt want to get rid of him. I loved him and always will. I could change him.

"I... I don't kno- I-"

"Mommy! Who are these people." My five year old son johnny suddenly burst out from the side of the wall were he was spying from and ran over to me jumping into my lap.

Everyone looked at me clueless except jane. She was shocked. "Is that... his son."

I nodded as tears grew in my eyes.

"I found out after he died."

"Mommy why are you crying?" Johnny asked as tears began to gather in his eyes at the sight of my sadness.

"Where gonna get daddy back. But we need to be quiet about this. Okay?" i said telepathically and he nodded.


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