Part two

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15 years later
(Y/n) POV

Ring! ring!
Ring! ring!
Ring! ri-

"Hello?" I spoke as i put the phone to my ear.

"Hello 023."

My stomach dropped for the fifth time this week. Who ever had been calling me everday for the past week would always say those exact words but before they could continue i always hung up.

But not this time. No. I wanted to know who this was and why there voice sounded so familiar.

"Who is this and why have you called me everyday this week?" I pressed angerly

"Do you know why i call you 023? It has to do with the tattoo on your wrist." The voice said ignoring the question.

I balled my fist and looked down at the number on my arm running my finger across it. I made me feel discusted as if i were some cow ready to be sent to the slaughter.

"I'm doctor brenner. You might not remember me but i work with hawkens lab." He said

I gasped and almost dropped the phone and nervous twirled the wires between my fingers as i began to remember. It was as if flashes moved past my eyes like a movie. The lab, the rainbow room, the bad men, my tatoo being embedded into my (s/c) and peter. But there was something else that I could not put my finger on.

I had something. Didnt I? Something running through my vains wanting to desperately reveal itsself. But what was it?

"Do you remember?" Dr. Brenner asked interrupting my train of thought.

"Yes i do...papa."

"Do you remember what you were capable of?"


"Good. Be at hawkens lab tomorrow morning."

Why? Why does he want me there.

"I-I can't i have work." I said

The line was quiet for a few seconds until he spoke up again.

"Dont worry about work i spoke to your manager. You wont have to worry about working for a while." He then hung up on me and i let out a huff and hung the phone back on the wall.

I walked over the my couch and sat down staring out the window watching a car go by. I thought back to the conversation. What did he want? What was this about? It obviously has something to do with the tatoo on my arm.

I know hawkens lab but I could not recall what happened there only that i had my friend peter who i missed dearly and that there were bad men who forced me to get this tatoo. And of course i remeber papa he was lole a father to me a peter but there was always something off about him.

Would I atleast get to see peter again?

I guess i had to find out till tommorow

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