Part eleven

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The morning alram sounded waking me up. I yawned and turned over on my side to see Peter sleepinng soundly. Not even the buzzer could awake him. I dragged a finger down his bear chest a ran my fingers through his blonde hair. He looked so adorable.

"Peter. Wake up." I whispered

He stirred and pulled me against his chest.
"Just a couple more minutes"

"We have to get ready for another day of Brenners science projects."I mumbled sarcastically kissing his lips.

"Are you saying were science projects?" He rose an eyebrow.

"Well arent we not just Guinea pigs in his eyes? We have a label on us as if were nothing." I said lifting up my wrist practically shoving my number in his face.

He smiled softly and grabbed my wrist kissing right on the ink.

"Were not guinea pigs. Were special. And he will pay for what he did...I promise. They all will."


We sat at a small table with 01- i mean Jane in the rainbow room. She sat across from us in her gown. Poor kid. She didn't belong here. None of them did.

"Were going to get you out of here 011." Peter whispered so no one else could listen.

"It's Jane now." She said quietly.

Peter smiled and glanced at me. "Thats a lovely name."

The doors to the rainbow room soon swung open and a man walked up to us. He wore a serious look and stood tall casting a shadow upon the three of us. I grew nervous under his stair thinking back to the bad men.

Peter must've noticed my discomfort and placed a hand on my thigh in a protective manner.

"Dr. Brenner would like to see you both."

"Okay. Tell him will be there in a few minutes." Peter said.

"He needs you know." The man said in an almost demanding tone.

Peter grabbed my hand in his not want us to go anywhere with the man. But i feared if we didnt go now there would be a harsh outcome.

"Okay." I said and stood up.

"What are you doing!?" Peter hissed

"I fear if we don't complie there will be a harsher outcome." I whispered fearfully.


We came to a door that looked almost familiar to me and the man opened it up. I squinted my eyes not being able to see anything but pitch black.

Was this a trap? Was I stupid enough to go in there?

I walked into the dark room confused and nervous. I looked back at Peter who went to go in with me until the man held out a hand blocking him.

"Not you."

Suddenly there was a prick in my neck. I instinctively draged my fingers across the spot were it stung. Everything suddenly went blurry. I looked towards peter just in time to see the man knock him out and soon sleep over took me and i passed out.

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