Part 15

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The lights in the closet flickered wildly and there were faint sounds of stuff crashing

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The lights in the closet flickered wildly and there were faint sounds of stuff crashing. The sirens were going off like crazy and jane clung onto me tight.

I looked down at her and said.

"Im going to go check if everything is okay. Alright? Wait here."

"No! Please dont leave me here."

"Hey... everything will be okay. I will come back for you."

She recucently nodded and let me go.

I gave her one last hopeful glance and walked out. The sirens were much louder as i continued down the hall. As I past a walkie talkie there were children screaming in fear sending chills down my spine.

I soon came across bodys of doctors and blood splated across the walls.

Was this...?

No it couldn't be his doing... right?

I gasped passing dead bodys of young children and began to tear up.

I sped up my pace and saw the doors to the rainbow room where most the yelling came from but soon stopped.

I pushed through the doors and let out a sob.

"What the hell..."

The children were dead. Everyone was dead. Blood everywhere. And there he was.

Peter had number 002 pinned against the wall with his eyes rolled to the back of his head and all his bones snap and he fell dead to the floor.

"Peter!?" I cried.

Peter wiped his nose bleed away and turned his hed back.

"I told you to wait." He said bluntly

I couldn't speak a word to him. Not after waht he did. I turned around and started for the door. I went to pull them open but peter kept them shut.


I tugged at them tightly but could not get them open. Looking back peter walked closer. He had blood splattered on his face.

I loved him. I really did but this was wrong.

I backed against the wall and he was much more closer then before.

He placed a finger along my jawline and tilted my head up to look at him.

"Why do you cry for them (y/n) after everything they did to eleven. Hmm? I saved them you know. They wont have to worry about papa anymore."

"There just kids." I whispered

"You think you care but you dont." He tilted his head with a smirk and leand down pressing a gentle kiss to my lips. I turned away from him.

"You dont" he repeated.

"You sick son of a bitch!" I cried and pushed him back

"Dont even try. Your weak right now." He said in a harsher tone. He stepped back and pinned me against the wall gripped my chin to force me to look at him. I cried and squeezed my eyes shut.

I've always loved you (Peter Ballard X (Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now