Part ten

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Smut warning

Days have passed and me and peter have been meeting up in the janitors closet to be with eacother. The more we met up the more our love grew.

I didn't understand the whole "keeping this a secret" thing. What peter told me about getting hurt for being together...was that true? Why though?

Currently I sat next to 011 who was staring at the red circle that rolled down to the number four.

She huffed and I could tell she was bothered.

"Hey dont stress. It will take time...clear the mind." I gave her and encouriging smile.

She sighed and did it again.

And... it went straight to four once more.

"I'm weak." She muttered.

"No your not. Your special." I said and then remembered something. "Hey can I give you a name? A real one."

She looked up at me with a smile and nodded.

"Ok then. How about...Jane. Do you like that?"

She perked up and nodded.

"Well then nice to meet you Jane." I said holding out my hand for her to shake.

She looked down at my hand and hesently shook it as she was a bit confused on what that ment.

I must have not noticed that my sleeve was rolled up a bit and a glimpse of my number had shown.

01- i mean Jane looked up at me with wide eyes.

"Is that a-"


I shushed her and quickly pulled my sleeve down.

"You can not tell anyone about this."


"Because if papa finds out we will be in trouble."

She nodded once more and the doors to the room opened and in walked peter.

"Are we making progress?" He said coming up to us folding his hands together.

We both stood up and Jane shook her head sadly.

"Thats alright. Stick to the technique I told you."

She nodded and sat back down. Peter smiled at me and stepped closer.

"Come with me. I have to show you something." He whispered.

I followed him out and walked down the hallway and down the stairwell. We ran through another hallway hand in hand and Peter stopped quick and pinned me against the wall.

He put a finger up to his mouth to signal me to not make a sound.

I peeked my head around the corner to see to men dressed in white with guns strapped to there side.

They soon disappeared down the hall and peter pulled me down all the way to his room. He opened it and locked it from the outside (not that it would do much) and closed the door behind us.

He smiled and pulled me against his chest. And pointed up to the camra. The red light wasnt on.

"Do you see that." He whispered kissing my neck.

"Its off." I stated the obvious.

"Do you know what that means?" He whispered once more almost suductivly.

"It means we have a comfortable place to be together." I smirked and turned to face him pulling him in close.

"I love you. So very much." He whispered againts my lips.

Authors note: smut! You can skip if you want. Sorry if this is bad.

I was suddenly shoved against the the wall and his lips moved quick agianst mine.

A few "I love you's" were exchanged and Peters hands roamed down to the zipper of my white jeans. He hurridly pulled them off not breaking the kiss and i pulled off his.

He squeezed my sides gently and whispered.

I complied and wrapped my legs around his waist. He kissed down my neck biteing gently. I let out a soft moan and quickly unbuttoned his shirt.

He pulled off mine and through it across the room and pulled me over to his bed.

We were now in only our undergarments and he ran his fingers through my (h/c) hair and gently pulled my head back giving him more access to kiss my neck.

"Peter." I moaned trailing my hands down his toned chest and tugged at them hem of his boxers.

He slid his fingers beneath my bra strap and tugged it down unhooking it and through it off to the side along with his boxers.

He stopped for a second breathing heavily and looped his finger beneath my underwear.

He looked into my eyes searching for permission "Are you sure?"

I nodded not able to form words. He pulled them off and positioned himself between my legs and pushed in.

I moaned a little to loud and he pressed his hand over my mouth put a finger to his mouth telling me to be quiet.

"They can hear you." He whispered and kissed me. We were now one as we moved in sink. Skin against skin. and each second he pressed harder, he kept his hand over my mouth.

And from there, the night went on as the euphoric mode was set.


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