10. Pyramid and rehearsals

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Brooklyn POV
Jess Lexi
Kiara juice
"Okay at the bottom of the pyramid is juice and kiara. I thought you guys were great and the technique was all there, but you could of used your face more. Next is Lexi. You were good in the trio and your facials in the group were great. Next is Jess. Amazing in the trio and group. Everything I was looking for. And on top of the pyramid is lemon. You were the lead in your trio and held it together and we're fantastic in the group. well done. Okay this week we are going to fierce national dance competition in upland California. This week I have 2 solos. My first solo is to Lexi. It's lyrical called cry. And my last solo is to Jess. It's acro called inside out. The group is musical theatre called freak show inspired by the greatest showman. You will all play a character in the dance. Solos today group tomorrow.

Jess pov
"I'm super excited to have acro solo this week and it's called inside out. I can tell it's going to be some contortion stuff. I'm missing Priyanka and daniel a lot but I FaceTimed the last night" "okay your solo called inside. so one side of your body will be you and the other half will be all veins and the inside of your body. Let's start because I want to get This done" I really like my solo all my cool very tricks and the music is quite creepy in a way. I like it. After my solo rehearsal I have a hip hop class with tynomi. We did a Beyoncé dance and it was super fun. I even got picked for a special filming group. After me, my sisters and mum get in the car and head home

Lexi pov
"I'm super excited for the group because it's inspired by the greatest showman. one of my favourite movies" "okay so you will all play a character. Lexi you will play the contortionist. Jess and lemon you will play the Siamese twins. Juice you will play the strong woman and kiara you will play the bearded lady" the group is fun. the music is like a circus theme which is pretty cool. After we have a costume fitting then head on the bus.

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