2. eventually

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"Iris? The homo?" Harry laughs.

"Oh shut up." Otis argues.

"I'm just being real. She is totally a lesbo."

"What's going on?" I walk in the change room.

"Christian here is going to ask Iris out." Harry shoves Christian.


"She's totally into girls."

"Just because she rejected you does not make her a lesbian." I start to change out of my rugby stuff. 

"Why are you defending her? I thought you were my mate. Are you in love with the homo too?"

"Go to hell Harry." Otis chimed in again.

I got changed into my regular clothes and started to walk to the bus stop.

"Nick!" Christian starts running up to me.

"What's up?"

"You know Iris right? Well I really like her and I was wondering if you could help me get a date with her?"

"I don't know her that well."

"She was at you house last night. She sent me a snap of your wall."

"Just family friends." I keep walking.

"Can you just try?"


"Thanks so much mate." Christian pats my arm and runs off to his moms car.

Iris and I used to be close. I don't really know what happened after Angela passed but something in her mind ticked and she all of a sudden stopped talking to me. I miss her. I was beyond excited when I found out that her family is joining mine for our holiday. She didn't seem to reciprocate the energy. I used to love her, in a friend way. Sometimes I find myself still thinking about how close we were and how much I cherished every moment with her. She obviously did not feel the same way about me if she could just leave me in the dust like that. Maybe its better that we aren't friends anymore tho. I am a total loser. I have loser friends and do loser things. I'm no good. Iris is perfect. She keeps good grades, hangs out with good people, and has a good taste in music. I gathered all that from stalking her instagram over the years.

"Sir, is this your stop?" The lady driving woke me up from my nap.

"Oh my god. Thank you so much." I got up embarrassed.

When I get inside my house I see the Evans' all sitting in my living room. Fuck.


"Best friends or lovers?" Harry shouted at Bea and I as we walk up to the school. Nick stood beside him and didn't say anything.

"Suck a fat cock Harry!" I yell back. What a wonderful way to start a Monday.

"Feeling feisty today Evans?" Charlie walks up to Bea and I with Tao and Elle following behind him.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. I look over at Nick again to see him staring at me. He probably thinks i'm some fucking freak.

"Iris?" Tao waved his hand in front of my face.


"Why are you staring at the golden retriever over there?" Tao joked.

"I wasn't" I looked around at everyone. They all gave me the 'are you sure' look. "I've got to get to class." I walked off.

Once again another normal day. Sometimes my life feels a little too in order. All my days are exactly the same. Wake up, get ready, get on the bus, go to school, get on the bus, go home, eat, homework, maybe watch a show, and sleep.

Friday rolled around the corner very quickly.

"Nick asked me to join the rugby team... and I said yes." Charlie laughed.

"Nick Nelson?" I turned to him.

"No, Nick Fury." Charlie joked.

"God I hate Marvel." Tao scoffed.

"That's why you suck, Marvel movies are the best." I hit Taos arm.

"Hurry, Iris, we are going to be late." Bea pulled my arm. Shit I lost track of time. I've never been late to a class before.

We ended up not being late but it still freaked me out a bit.

"Iris!" Someone ran up to me as I was about to get on my bus home.

"What?" I turn around to see Nick with a duffle bag in his hand. "Oh."

"Hey, uhm, I am supposed to be staying at your house for the weekend. My moms out of town and doesn't trust me at home."

"Whatever." I turn around to get on the bus and he follows.

I sit down and he sits beside me.

"There's plenty of other spots on the bus. Maybe take that free seat by Connor." I point to my brother who is blasting music through his headphones. Trev has a car but never offers to drive us home or to school.

"Well I like this spot." He smirked.

"And I like personal space."

"Fine." He got up and moved to the seat next to Connor. Him and Connor are actually mates again which is kind of gross. Connor is falling into the wrong crowd. He hangs out with Ben Hope and a bunch of rugby lads. I HATE Ben Hope. Charlie told me everything. Including the thing that happened yesterday before Nick 'saved' him. I guess Nick and Charlie are friends too? Tao and I are the only reasonable people in our group.

I walk ahead of Nick and Connor as we walk from the bus stop and I went and hid in my room as soon as we got home.

"Dinner is ready!" Connor bursted into my room. "Wow it is a mess in here."

"Wow, it has definitely changed in here." Nick peaks into my room and then continues to walk downstairs to the kitchen.

"Just tell Dad i'm not hungry."

"He insists that you come"


I walked downstairs. Dad made my favourite, breakfast for dinner. I grabbed my food and sat at the kitchen counter while my dad, Connor, and Nick all sat at the table.

"Come sit with us, Iris." My dad signals for me to come over and I do. "Why don't you guys have a little sleepover in Iris' room like you always used to."

"We aren't kids anymore." Connor laughed.

"Well you can be for one night." Dad smiles.

"Not in my room."

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