26. tounge tied

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"Iris!" I wave over the ginger across the room drunkenly. Connor and Iris decided to throw a the last party of the summer at their house while her dad and brother are out of town.

"What's up?" She walks up to me and the group of my rugby friends.

"This is Iris, my girlfriend. She attending Truham this year and she's going to kick all of our asses at rugby." I drape my arm around her shoulder and she giggles.

"Girlfriend?" Otis' jaw drops. "Who's gonna break the news to Christian?"

"Or Aled?" James adds. Right, Aled.

"Aled already knows." Iris shrugs and wraps her hand around my torso.

"So you know he's madly in love with you and won't shut up about it?" James grins and everyone else lets out a subtle laugh. I'm embarrassed. I'm embarrassed that my girlfriend has other guys all over her and there's nothing i can do about it. I'm embarrassed that people think that she'll leave me for Christian or Aled. I'm embarrassed that people feel that i'm not enough for Iris.

"Aled is delusional and created a fake version of me in his head so that's his problem." Iris chugs whatever was left in her drink.

"Iris, we have to shut down soon. It's almost 3am." Connor leans in between Iris and I.

"Thank fucking god." Iris walks off again. Her hand leaving my body leaves a sense of emptiness. I watch as she walks upstairs to her room.

"James, what the fuck." I roll my eyes.

"I didn't know she would react like that." James argued.

"Connor, maybe you should shut it down now." I turn around to face Connor. I quickly follow Iris up to her room. When I walk in she's already in a sports bra and adjusting her pj pants.

"Are you spending the night?" She turns around to look at me.

"Yeah, I can stay in Connors room if you want."

"Oh, shut up. I know you want to stay in my room. There's a pair of sweatpants on my desk that will fit you." She knows me so well. As she climbs into her I bed I quickly change into the sweatpants and remove my shirt.

"Do you have like a t-shirt of something." I face Iris and she rolls over to look at me.

"I actually prefer this look you have going on here, it's giving Calvin Klein model." She laughs at her own stupid joke, I love it when she does that. "I'm kidding, you left one of your shirts here last time, it's in the bottom drawer. I nod and rummage through the messy clothes in the drawer and quickly thrown on my Truham rugby shirt. "Are you just going to stand there?"

"Do you want the lights off?" I try to hide my smile.

"Yes pleeeease." She pulls the covers over her shoulders. She totally wasted.

"I got Connor to shut down the party." I i get into the bed, next to her.

"Thank you." She smiles while her eyes are shut. The light from her salt lamp is enough for me to see all her features. We sit in silence as she drifts off and I stare like a creep.

"Stop it." She hits my shoulder and opens her eyes.

"How did you-"

"Spider-senses." She adjusts her self to be closer to me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I roll over onto my back.

"Do you take me for an idiot?" She says and we both go silent.

"Would you choose Aled over me?" I whisper and turn over to see her staring at me.

"If I wanted Aled over you, you wouldn't be in my bed next to me." She brushes her hand through my hair. "I only want you." She lightly presses a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm sorry."

"Everyone worries, don't be sorry."

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