18. no surprises

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Charlie Spring and I have been dating for a whole month. I asked him out on the Paris trip. I've told almost everyone, other than Dad. I'm worried about how he will react. Him and Mom have always been sweet people but they've never expressed their feelings on homosexuality, I guess they never thought they would have a gay son.

"Dad! We are ready!" Iris yells as we are both standing at the front door waiting for Dad to drive us to the beach to meet up with some friends. Iris is bummed today because it's Bea's birthday and she hasn't answered any of Iris' texts.

"Let's go." Dad grabs his keys off the counter and follows us outside to the van.

"I'm sitting in the front, don't even try." Iris rolls her eyes getting into the passenger seat.

"So who are you guys meeting there?" Dad asked as he pulls out of the driveway.

"Char, Tao, Elle, Aled, Tara, and Darc." Iris answers, her face in a book. She is the only person ever to bring a book to the beach.

"And Nick!" I add. I invited Nick. I really need Niris to work out, it's my favourite straight ship.

"And... Nick..." She whispers under her breath. "Oh and some girl named Zahar they met on the Paris trip."

"She is super sweet, you'll love her." I reassure her. Iris is weird about meeting new people.

"I'm sure." She keeps reading her book inhumanly quickly. Is she the flash or some shit?

"You guys have fun." Dad says as we pull up to the beach. "No drugs."

"Damn, I was about to shoot up some meth for real." Iris sighs as she gets out of the car, I follow behind her giggling.

"Haha very funny." Dad says blankly as Iris slams her door shut. Iris has been... different. She's always kept to herself but not this much. Her meds are working and she's not as rough as she was the first few weeks after Trev's attempt. Trev is also doing better, therapy is really helping. I'm just worried that i'm going to lose both of them.

"Hey!" Tara appears out of what seems like nowhere. She wraps Iris is a tight hug. Iris hates hugs now but she can never say no to a Tara hug.

"Hey, Connor." Zahar gives me a short hug. "You must be Iris."

"Mhm." Iris holds out her hands for Zahar to shake.

"Nice to meet you." Zahar holds on to Iris' hand a little TOO long and I can tell Iris is beyond uncomfortable.

"That must be everyone else." Darcey points to the van pulling up. Zahar drops Iris' hand and she sighs. I know Iris really doesn't want Nick here. I know how much she dreads to see him and think about him.

"Hey guys!" Elle excitingly yells as everyone pools out of her moms van. "I brought snacks!"

"The Paris gang is back together!" Darcey sings as she grabs Elle and Taos hands and starts to run into the sand. Aled, Tara and Zahar run after them. What Darcey said threw Iris off a bit since she wasn't there. I'm sure she is okay tho... right?


"C'mon, Iris. Come in with me!" Aled pulls on my arm. Everyone is currently having fun in the water. I feel like shit. I feel like i'm annoying everyone by being stubborn. I feel like i'm annoying everyone by being moody. I just feel annoying.

"Maybe later." I go to look back down at my book that is no longer in my hands, instead it's in Aled's.

"Nope, now!" He shoves the book inside of my bag. "You are coming."

"Fine, calm down." I get up and take off the oversized t-shirt that i've been using to coverup my swimsuit that shows a bit too much skin.

"I don't know how Nick could give up on a body that, ma." Aled jokes. If he were anyone else he would be dead but we just joke around like that.

"Perv!" I pretend to be offended as I run off into the water. I look back to see him running in right behind me.

"Look who decided to join us." Connor splashes me from his donut floaty that him and Charlie and sharing. I think they are the cutest couple to ever walk this earth.

"Come play chicken with us!" Tara waves Aled and I over. She is on top of Darcey's shoulders while Zahar is on Nicks. I can't help but be jealous. Zahar seems sweet but I feel like i've been replaced.

"Get on." Aled leans down as I jump into his shoulder, holding his head for balance as we both laugh loudly.

"You are on!" Darcey sticks her younger out at me. Aled slowly walks over to them while I struggle to balance on his boney shoulders. Tara, Zahar, and I join hands, trying to knock each other into the water.

"Iris! Oh my god!" Tara yells as she falls back off Darcey's shoulder. I laugh so hard that I fall forward taking down Aled, Zahar, Nick, and I. The water is kind of cold but that's how I like it.

"Iris you bloody idiot!" Aled comes up rubbing his eyes. Zahar is trying to wipe the wet hair out of her face.

"Calm down, mate." Nick bumps Aled's shoulder. "Just a game."

"Fuckin jerk." Aled whispers under is breath.

"Aled." I widen my eyes at his responses

"It's okay, I deserve it." Nick nods and walks up into the sand to dry off. He really doesn't deserve it tho. Nick is just being Nick, defending his... friends.

"That was cute." Tara leans her head on my shoulder while we stand in the water. "Him defending you."

"Oh shut up! Nick is a loser." Aled rolls his eyes. I know Aled is trying to be a good friend but he's developed this hatred for Nick randomly.

"Aled, he did absolutely nothing wrong. What is your problem? I'm the one who broke up with him! I'm the fucking loser." I walk off in anger.

"What's wrong?" Connor puts his sunglasses on his head as I walk by.

"Fuck off." I continue to walk on to the beach, wrapping my towel around me and sitting down. Everything suddenly hits me again. I'm such a shitty person. I don't deserve these people.

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