4. tears over beers

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When Connor opened the door for me my heart absolutely died. Ive been in love with him for years. I don't know if he's gay or not but it seems like it. He used to hang out with Iris and I all the time until he started hanging out with Ben Hope and some of the mean rugby lads.

"Charlie should I get this?" Iris showed me a photo of a tennis skirt as we are snuggled up in her bed while Bea, Tao, Aled, and Elle are fighting over a movie to watch on the floor.

"You would never wear it but it is cute." I giggle.

"I would totally wear it."

"Oh really? Where?" I teased.

"Your funeral." She quickly got up and started to hit me with her pillow.After a few hits she stopped and stared at me.

"What's wrong Iris?"

"I think me and Nick are like talking again which is so weird and i don't know how to feel because it just feels no right, you know what I mean?" I flopped back down beside me.

"Its a good thing you guys are talking again, he's a great guy." I reassured her. "C'mon lets go downstairs and find out what pizza Connor and Nick want." I grab her hand.

"And Ben." She rolled her eyes. Ben.

"Ben?" Elle whipped her head.


"Iris what do you want?" Conner sensed me sneaking up to him.

"Iris, my good pal." Ben smiled.

"Fuck off." I didn't bother making eye contact. "Connor what pizza do you and your friends want?"

"Just pepperoni." Connor sighed out. "Nick you alright with that?"

"Yep." Nick agreed not looking up from his phone.

"Im just grabbing some water." Aled walks into the kitchen.

"You have the whole club here?" Ben jokes unfunnily.

"Club?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yeah like all you little weirdos. I bet Bea, Elle, and Tao are up there too." He sort of chuckled

"Off yourself, Ben." Aled, Charlie, and I walk up stairs and I order the pizza.

When the pizza gets here I go down to get it quickly to avoid anymore weird interactions with Ben. The night goes on. Elle and Tao agree on Midsommor but we all get bored. At around 11 all my friends leave other than Charlie.




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notiris69 we jump street, and we bout to jump in your ass

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notiris69 we jump street, and we bout to jump in your ass.


"Oh my god Iris I missed you so much." Connor walked into my room and fell right on top of me and Charlie on my bed.

"Connor what is going on." I slightly push him to the side.

"A party!" Ben comes in laughing holding one of Dads beers

"Cmon boys get out of here." Nick came in behind them, sober as ever, trying to pull them out.

"Let go!" Ben yelled. Nick let go of Ben and Connor and they both lay on my bed with Charlie and I. "Oh hey Charles."

Charlie didn't reply. Connor started to fall asleep on top of me. I always hoped Connor would ignore the teenage boy impulse of sneaking Dads liquor but here we are.

"Don't you think it's a bit inappropriate for a male and female to share a bed." Ben smirked. I know what's coming but I can't stop it. "Oh wait a minute, never mind, forgot that you are a faggot. Unless you are faking it to get close to Iris. If that's the case I have major respect for you."

Nick just stood at the door again. I thought him and Charlie were friends.

"Okay Ben, says you. Should we take a look at our messages?" Charlie struck me by surprise. "Oh look right here is where you are begging me to meet up. And right here is where you are telling me how much you need me." Charlie started to scroll through their instagram dms.

"You-" Ben started but before he could finished Nick finally stepped in. He dragged Ben out of the room by his shirt, dropping him to the floor in the hallway. Nick shut the door and I could here someone walking downstairs and the front door open and slam shut. Honestly think Nick murdered Ben.

I got out of bed leaving angry and shocked Charlie laying in bed with drunk Connor. Walking down the stairs I heard cans clanking together. When I walk into the kitchen I see Nick with a garbage bag cleaning up Connor and Ben's mess.

"You don't have to." I walk up to him, grabbing the bag out of his hands, but he pulls it away and continues to clean. "Don't feel bad, Ben deserved it."

"I just couldn't watch him speak to Charlie like that." He put the final can in the bag and set it down. "I don't know how Connor can hang out with a shitty person like him."

"Your friends aren't any better." I furrowed my eyebrows. Nick looked me in the eyes and drooped his head down. "I'm sorry."

"For what? I'm the one who should be sorry."

"Yeah, you should be. I just feel bad for you so I am sorry." I said which made him chuckle. Before I could say anything else Nick embraced me in a hug. I was stiff as a board so he let go of me, embarrassed.


"Goodnight, Nick."

"Night, Iris." Nick smiled to himself and I turned to go to bed.

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