8. begin again

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"I had no fucking freedom around him. It felt like I had to fit into his this little box he shoved me in. The worst part is that he wanted me first! I guess I just wasn't what he was expecting? I don't know what I did wrong." I cry into Nick's shoulder for the 100th since Christian and I broke up last week.

"Wow that, uhm, sucks." Nick says blankly.

"You don't care, do you?" I take my head of his shoulder.

"I do, I promise I do. I have just been thinking about a lot lately. And that's also the 10th time you've said that to me." He tucked a loose piece of hair onto my ear. "I feel the same way as you, actually. The feeling of not being good enough, the feeling of doing something wrong all the time."

"Well the girl who happens to be making you feel this way is very shitty." I give him a weak smile while his hand still rests on the side of my head

"But she really isn't. She is beautiful and caring when she wants to be. She is very strong and deserves so much better than me so I honestly don't blame her. I am just a fragile man with no sense of humour and so obviously insecure about everything." Nick starts to ramble while I hide the feeling of jealousy. I shouldn't be jealous, but I can't help it.

"Well, Nick, if she can't see how wonderful you are, you are the one that she doesn't deserve." I look into his eyes but don't get a response. Instead he takes his hand off my ear and looks into his lap. "Nick." I take his chin and make him look at me. "You are amazing, genuinely amazing."

"Iris?" He paused. I nodded. "What if I were tell you that you are the girl I was talking about?"

"Oh, Nick I-" I stare at him in shock. Everything is happening so fast and I don't know how to react. I feel the same way, I really do its just this is so random and soon.

"I get it. Ill talk to you later." Nick quickly gets up and leaves me sitting on my bed with my leg crossed. I've let him get away too many times, maybe he's the one. That could also be my teenage mind speaking. Without another thought I get up and speed walk to my front door to see that he already left and its pouring rain. Like I already said, I can not let him get away. I quickly put my converse on and leave them untied while I run out in the rain with just a pair of small shorts and an oversized t-shirt that I stole from Trev.

"Nick wait! Please!" I run quickly up behind him and he stops to turn around to see me desperately sprint up to him. "Just let me catch my breath, i'm not very fit." I sigh and catch my breath while he giggled. God even his laugh is perfect.

"God, Iris. You are going to get sick." He swiftly took off his jacket and put it around my shoulders.

"I don't really care." I finally look him in the eye. "I ran out here to tell you I feel the same way."

"Iris, you don't have to-"

"Just shut up." I grab both side of his face and pull him in to make our lips connect. Nick pulls back and smiles before pulling me in again for a long and more passionate kiss.

"Iris, you are so confusing." He shakes his head.

"Just come back to my house, please." I grab his hands

"Anything for you."

We get back to my house and I shower and change into dry clothes. I also give Nick some sweats he left here and a hoodie that is too big for me. I walk into my room to see Nick already drifting off in my bed. I never thought I would be in this situation.

"Come." Nick said with a raspy voice. I walk over to the bed, lay down and he immediately wraps his arms around me and puts his head on my chest. "What are we?"

"Well, I don't know. I only broke up with Chris a week ago and I don't want people to believe I cheated on him with you."

"I get it, we can wait. But if I see another guy trying to make a move on you, I am telling everyone, and I mean everyone. The president of the world will know I kissed Iris fucking Evans."

"The president of the world?"

"Yep! Of the world."

"Go to sleep, Nick."

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