20. sparks

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The house we are staying in is a little smaller than we all expected. The view is absolutely beautiful but we do happen to be a bit crammed in.

"How about Iris and Connor share and then we can put David and Nick in the room next to them. Trev and I can sleep on the pull out couch." Dad walks around examining the place.

"Are you sure? I'd hate to make you sleep somewhere uncomfortable. It's my fault I didn't look at the amount of rooms." Sarah says sorrowfully.

"It's totally fine, Sarah. You don't have to worry, right Trev?" Dad grapes over at Trevor.

"Right." Trev walks into the bathroom. The room goes quiet. Click. Dad starts to walk slowly over to the door. Another click. Trev must have forgotten he's not allowed to lock any doors anymore. Dad is very strict about it. Trev doesn't have any privacy anymore.

"The kids can just sleep with us in our bed." Diane tries to make everyone's mood go back to normal.

"Alright. Sarah you can have a room to yourself since you put this whole thing together for us." Dad walks back over to us.

"You are too sweet." Sarah says joyfully.

"I'm going swimming." Connor starts to run into our room with his suitcase.

"I think we can all go out for dinner first." Sarah stops him.

"I think John and I are gonna stay here with the kids, they are pretty jet lagged." Dianne carries sleeping Addison into their room while Jackson follows behind.

"Go change out of your sweatpants." Dad looks at Trev, Connor, Nick, and I.

"But i'm comfortable." I sneer.


Mom is making me wear khaki shorts and shirt that is too tight on me but she says it looks great on me, so believe her.

"Hurry up, Connor!" I hear Iris yell. She really hasn't changed as much as I thought.

"You're just mad I look better." Connor struts out of the bathroom.

"Yeah, definitely." Iris taunts. Personally I think Iris looks better but my opinion might be bias.

"Okay, let's go." Andre holds the door open for all of us.

"We are walking?" David grunts as we start to walk down the road.

"It's a five minute walk. You can do it." Mom rolls her eyes.

"Do I really have to come?" Trev walks up to Andre.

"Yes, don't ask again." Andre replies and then continues to talk to my mom.

"So who do you think is going to fuck shit up." Iris appears beside me. I look at her confused. "Like, who do you think will ruin this trip."

"Oh, definitely David." I say without a second thought. "Making little remarks and comments."

"I agree." She laughs quietly. I miss her full blown laughing meltdowns. I shouldn't have gotten mad about little things because they don't really matter anymore. I'd prefer to watch her talk about Marvel over swapping spit with her. I'd prefer to listen to hear scream Taylor Swift or Conan Gray songs over anything right now. I wish I could have told her that I love her.

"Why didn't Connor bring Charlie?" I try to salvage the conversation.

"Dad said no. Connor was mad at him for a solid week." She snickers.

"That sucks." I say awkwardly. Talking to her just feels weird. "You look great tonight." Fuck. Why would I say that?

"Uh. Thanks?" Her faces drops as she looks down at the ground. I'm so fucking stupid.

"It should be right around this corner." Andre turns a corner and we all follow. Iris speeds up away from me and walks next to Trevor.


"Before we leave we have to get a photo of the five of you." Sarah says as we all get up to leave the restaurant.

"That's a great idea." Dad agrees. Parents, am I right? We all walk outside. It's pitch black so Dad and Sarah make us stand in front of a wall with a street lamp in front of it.

"Get in close." Sarah backs away with her phone. I feel a hand around my waist and look to my right to see Nick. I really feel like he only wants to be friends out of pure pity. When we talk he seems short.

"Perfect." Dad and Sarah put their phones down and I feel Nicks hand drop as he walks away. I secretly wish he kept us hand there. I feel an emptiness when he's not around.

"How about you guys go back. We are going to go check out the bar over there." Sarah points to an overcrowded building.

"Can I come? Way better than hanging out with these kids." David glares at the rest of us.

"Nope." Sarah and Dad start to walk off.

"Does anyone know the way home?" Connor looks around. What an idiot.

"Are you serious?" I punch his arm lightly. The house is literally up the road. I roll my eyes and walk off with all the boys walking a few feet behind me.

When we get to the house I immediately go into Connor and I's room. It has two dressers and two double beds. Perfect.

"Absolutely the fuck not!" I hear a yell coming from the next room.

"You need to shut your trap, the kids are sleeping." I head Diane whisper yell as I walk over to see what's happening. I see Diane walk out of David and Nick's room and back into her own.

"I'm not sharing a bed with you." David huffs. Nick is standing in the doorway of the room while Connor is behind me. I look inside to see one king sized bed.

"You guys can switch with us. Connor and I don't mind sharing." I pitch in.

"You really don't have to, he's just in one of his moods right now." Nick turns around.

"It's fine, really. I'd rather switch than here his voice for another second." I roll my eyes.

"You are an angel, Iris." David's mood suddenly changes as he passes by me into their new room. I follow him into so I can grab my suitcase.

"You can't change your mind." Nick crosses his arms as I walk out.

"Just take it, oh my god." I snap and walk past him. I hate myself. I hate how mean I am, the way I treat people, and I hate the way I hate myself. I'm so unlikable. My therapist has been telling me that all these thoughts of people hating me aren't true, that it's all in my head. No one actually cares about the little things as much as I think they do. She has made me realize that if people didn't want to be around me they simply wouldn't be around me. The most important advice she gave me is that if I want something so badly and there's absolutely nothing stoping me, I should go for it but the 'what if' is always stoping me. What if I go skydiving and the parachute doesn't work. What if I talk more but people don't want to hear me. What if I post a photo I like but people make fun of it. What if I try to get Nick back but he doesn't want me anymore. What if, what if, what if. I'm sick of my own thoughts.

"I call the left side... woah." Connor opens the door to see me on the floor. Instead of the typical 'what's wrong' or 'you can talk to me' he just gets down beside me and hugs me because he knows what's wrong, it's been the same thing for months.

"I shouldn't have come. I'm just going to ruin everything for you guys." I sob into my brothers shoulder. I lied earlier when I agreed with Nick about David being the one to ruin the trip. I think it will be me.

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