6. jigsaw

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"Wow, your room is quite interesting. I love it." Christian slowly walks into my now clean room. Chris and I have been talking since Harry's party a few weeks ago. I've only hung out with Nick like twice since then and I haven't yet mentioned why I am mad at him yet but I'll get to that someday.

"It's usually a mess but I have had some time on my hands lately." I smile sitting on my bed and Christian flops down right beside me.

"Hey, is it okay if I post this? Or do you think people will think we are dating?" Christian shows me a photo of us on his phone.

"You can post it." I lay back beside him. "What if we let people think that we are dating?"

"What? Like fake dating? Why?" He turns his head to me.

"Not fake dating." I turn my head to face him.

"Are you, Iris Evan, asking me out?" He has a smirk plastered on his face.

"Hypothetically if I were what would you say?"

"Hypothetically my answer would be yes." He then closed the distance between us, connecting our lips.

"This is going to sound really weird, but that was my first kiss."

"Not weird at all." He came close and kissed me again. "And that was your second."

I've never felt this strong of an emotion towards a person. It feels weird and tingly. Im never this soft.



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"I really thought you and Nick Nelson were in love or something." Chris laughed to himself.

"What?" I give him a confused look.

"Just the way you guys always hung out and he literally rejected Imogen, the hot one." He slowly got up from my bed. "I have to take a piss."

My first ever boyfriend just called another girl hot 5 minutes after I go out of my comfort zone and ask him out, how great. Imogen is definitely prettier and has a better body than me but it is a bit weird that he called her hot. Nick is more physically appealing and nicer than Christian but I don't go around calling him hot. Ew, I didn't just say that.

"Omar and Sai just texted me, I got to go." Chris poked in my room and then walk down to the front door, without a goodbye. What have I gotten myself into?

The week to come after was also a rollercoaster. Always leaving in the middle of hanging out to go hangout with other people. I really thought asking him out was a good idea because I know he likes me but he's such an ick. He was so sweet when we were talking and stuff but ever since we started dating he treats me like an objects. I'm like a toy that he only takes out and plays with once in a while and gets bored. I told this all to Nick, which probably was a shit move.

"I don't know what to tell you Iris. That sucks." Nick said looking a his feet while we sit on a bench in the park. I asked him to meet me here. We went from hanging out to twice a week to not at all after Chris and I got together, he says it makes him look bad when I hang out with other dudes. Im usually not the type to put up with bullshit like this but Chris is cute sometimes.

"Im sorry for not talking to you recently." I looked over at Nick.

"It's whatever. I've stopped putting in so much effort to make this friendship work because you never reciprocate it." He said, still not making eye contact.

"Me? Oh shut up." I started to get a little mad. "I started talking to you less because of what you pulled after Harry's party."

"What? I got sick, it's not my fault."

"You just left me to walk home on my own. I know it shouldn't be that big of a deal but it was to me. I like being around you, Nick, I enjoy talking to you, fuck, I'll even admit that I totally am excited for our holiday. It just makes me feel shitty when you treat me shitty without knowing or acknowledging how I feel."

"I didn't know you felt that way."

"Well how could you?" I start to get up because I am tearing up and don't want him to think I am some big baby, but to my surprise he also gets up.

He wrapped me in a hug and this time I actually accepted it instead of staying still. He's warm and smells like cologne.

"Do you want me to walk you home this time?" He smiles as he lets go of me.

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