12. make you feel my love

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"So where are you taking me on this fine Wednesday evening." I look over at Nick who is walking closely next to me.

"It's a surprise." He smirks to himself. This surprise is killing my legs. I feel like we have been walking forever. "Only a bit further."

"A bit further and i'll be crawling." I roll my eyes. Nick told me that this is a very special date. He said it's a one time thing and it can't wait until the weekend.

"Oh poor you, it's just around this corner." He points to street ahead.

"Around that corner is the abandon drive-in theatre. Are you taking me there to murder me?" I furrow my eyebrows at him.

"Yep, you caught me." He smiles and grabs my hand to walk around the corner. The old drive-in looks brand new as we start walking up. There are tons of cars parked inside the gates as the opening credits to Top Gun plays.

"No fucking way." I stare in shock. This is every teenage girls dream. A drive in movie with a tall, hot, rugby player.

"I'm sorry we couldn't drive. The moment I get my licenses my first stop will be here with you, I promise i'll do better." He looks down at his feet, like he's embarrassed.

"Oh shut up, Nick." I pull his shirt to come closer to me and kiss him. He smiles into the kiss. "This is perfect, car or not."

"Well i'm glad you like it, but we should probably go watch the movie." He grabs my hand again and walks up to buy tickets. Nick grabbed a blanket as we walked in. We went and put down the blanket in front of all the cars. There were other couple around on other blankets but they seemed more interested in each other rather than the movie. Nick took his place, laying his head on my lap as I was distracted by the movie. Every now and again I would look down to see him staring up at me but he would immediately look away, embarrassed.

"Now we have to watch Top Gun: Maverick together." I nudge Nick as we walk out.

"So you can swoon over Miles Teller? No way." He silently laughs to himself. "Do you want to come back to my place?"

"Trev asked me to hangout tonight but i'm sure he wouldn't mind, I live with him." I smile and follow Nick to his house.

"So..." Nick says in the middle of silence. Silence with Nick isn't awkward or weird, it's comfortable.

"So?" I look over at him.

"Con and Char?" Nick sort of half smiles.

"I know!" I practically yell. "Something is going on there but I know Char would never break the no sibling code."

"It's so obvious that Charlie is into Connor, he doesn't hide it." Nick laughs. "Uhm, have you heard from Bea yet? Char is pretty bummed and she hasn't been meeting us in the morning."

"Nope, nothing. I went to her house yesterday after school. Her mom answered and said that Bea didn't feel like talking." I reply playing with the rings on my fingers. Nick reaches down for my hand and swings it back and forth playfully. "God, you are weird."

"You remember when we were neighbours?" Nick reminds me of hell. We used to move around a lot before mom died. She always wanted to have a fresh start. A new home to decorate. We ended up moving next door to the Nelsons for a few years. We moved out right after mom passed and the Nelsons soon moved to.

"How could I forget?" I give him a fake smile.

"Remember how we would look out our windows and use our walkie-talkies to talk to each other every night after our parents would force us to separate?" Times were more simple then. Thinking back to those memories makes my heart sink.

"Yes Nick, what is your point?" I start to get annoyed but he grips onto my hand a little harder.

"Well, the night I heard about your mom I threw rocks at your window for an hour straight. I felt so stupid and useless because my mom would not let me walk over to see you." Nick paused to take a breathe. "And every day up until you moved I said goodnight over the walkie-talkie hoping you would say it back. That was the first time I realized I couldn't go without you. I'm sure it's cheesy or whatever but I just needed to tell you."

"Nick..." I stare up at him now that we have come to a stop in front of his house but his head was turned the other way.

"I just feel like complete shit after what happened with Imogen. You deserve so much better." He turns head down to me and I can see the tears glistening in his eyes.

"You don't have to worry. I'm here and I won't disappear this time, I promise." I hold out my pinkie and he laughs at the small gesture.

"And I promise to never talk to another female ever." He connects his pinkie with mine.

"Okay that's a little too far, lover boy." I smile and he shakes his head at the nickname. "Now hurry, I can smell your moms cooking from out here." I rush him inside.


"You cheated." I sigh at the large amount of monopoly money that Charlie has in his hand, fanning himself with it.

"Me? Never." He brings his hand to his chest, pretending to me offended. I go to grab the pillow next to me and start swinging at Char. He reaches for a pillow near him as well and starts hitting me back, his money flying all over my room. I go to stand up but end up tripping over the board for the game and I land on top of Char. He starts to laugh as I stare down at him. The position we are in brings so much tension that can't be contained.

"What?" His laugh starts fade a bit, but his big beautiful smile is still staring up at me. The next thing I know I have my head leaned down and my lips on top of his.

"Fuck, I'm sorry. I didn't mean..." I frantically get up off of him and he starts to stand up.

"Uhm, it's alright. I think I should get going." He points to my door, grabbing his backpack off the floor.

"Yeah, okay. I'll see you." I get up off my knees awkwardly.

"Bye." He walks out my door. I've never felt like such an idiot. I don't think i'm gay. How does someone know if they are gay or not?

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