19. are we still friends?

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"Nick, you okay back there?" Mom looks at me through her rear view mirror.

"Yeah, i'm great." I give her a smile. I'm not great. We are on our way to the airport to meet my family and the Evans'. I was so happy that Mom is reconnecting with the Evans' but I don't if I can stand sharing a house with Iris.

"Parking is so hard to find these days." My mom scoffs.

"There's a spot right there!" David, my older brother, points to the only empty spot.


"Look what I have." I pull out two Kit Kat bars from my backpack handing them two Nick's two little cousins. "One for each of you."

"Where is mine?" Connor jokingly pouts.

"You don't get one." Addison sticks her tongue out at Connor as Jackson laughs at her.

"Addi! Jackson! Nick, David, and Auntie Sarah are here." Diane, Sarah's sister, waves the twins over. I look up to see the dirty blonde looking over at me. I give him a quick smile and turn to Connor.

"That's progress." He smiles.

"Progress?" I look at him confused.

"The smile." He pokes at me as I flinch away.

"Come say hi." Dad calls us over.

"Ladies first." Connor stretches his arms out. I roll my eyes and walk over.

"Hey sweetie." Sarah pulls me into a tight hug. "How have you been?"

"I've been good, you?" I smile as she holds on to my arms.

"I've been fabulous." She drops her hands.

"Little red is not so little." David shows up behind me, making me jump a bit. "Beautiful as always."

"Hello, David." I turn around. "It's, uh, nice to see you."

"That doesn't sound so convincing." He steps a bit closer to me. David has always been weird around me. He always making weird and rude remarks.

"Iris and David, we have to go find our gate." Trevor garbs me arm and starts to walk away quickly.

"Let go of me you donkey." I pull my arm back and cross both of my arms together while continuing to follow my older brother.

"Trev, no attempts this trip. I'm trying to have a good time." David smirks. I think to myself, i'm about to beat this bitch up.

"David, what the fuck?" Connor whips back from in front of us.

"You are already ruining the trip with the stench that is surrounding you." I whisper and walk off trying to hold my anger. Who does he think he is? Trev quickly follows behind me.

"I'm about to fucking punch him." I continue to walk fast with Connor and Trev trying to keep up with my pace.

"Just ignore it, Iris." Trev grabs my arm to slow me down.

"I don't even want to be here. I just want to go home." I loosen my shoulders a bit as we reach our gate.

"It will be so much fun." Connor puts his arm around my shoulder. "David just doesn't have a filter."

"Obviously." I grind my teeth.

"Okay so Iris you are going to be in between Connor and..." Sarah turns around and looks down at the tickets. "Nick." Well fuck my life.

"What?" Nick takes out and headphone and also turns around.

"No complaining. I'm not changing anyone's seats." Sarah looks at both of us and then turns around to talk to Diane. I can see my dad talking to Diane's husband. It's nice to see him normal. He never takes time off work to relax.


Is this plane getting smaller or is it just me? I'm feeling very... squished. I feel like the walls are slowly closing in. I haven't been this close to Iris since she broke up with me.

"Connor I swear to God I will strangle you if you keep chewing those pretzels like that." Iris gives Connor an icy stare.

"I'm chewing normally. Would you like me to starve?" Connor blinks rapidly.

"Anything to stop that noise." She arches and eyebrow.

"Go to hell." Connor crosses his arms. I know Iris so well that I can already feel her response coming.

"I'm already living in it." She puts her Beats over her ears. She doesn't even look over at me. She just stares into nothing. It's concerning. I want to do something in my phone to distract myself but of course it has to be dead. The only plug is in front of Iris so I guess i'm going two and a half hours without a phone... or I could just man up.

"Connor do you... what the fuck." Iris sighs. I look to the side to see Connor passed out with half a pretzel sticking out of his mouth. Typical Connor. Iris starts to dig through his bag on the floor looking for something. I assume she can't find what she wants because she looks over at me, agitated. "Nick, do you have any gum? I need my ears to pop."

"Yeah." I reach into my bag and pull out a container and hand it to her. She carefully shakes a piece out and hands the package back to me. I can't believe she actually just talked to me.

"You are going to probably think I sound stupid but I think we should be friends. At least for the next couple weeks." She says quietly. I look at her blankly. Friends? "I'm sorry, it's stupid."

"No. It's not stupid. I agree actually." I lie. I don't agree. I don't want to be just friends.

"Good." She relaxes her arms.

"Good." I smile.

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