3. tolerate it

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I turned down my dads idea of a sleepover. Nick ended up staying in Connors room and now its currently 12 am and i'm sitting in bed rewatching Doctor Strange.

I hear a knock at my door. And of course I open it why wouldn't I?

"Can we talk" Its Nick.

"No." I try to close the door but before I do he stops it.

"Just for a minute."

"Fine, come in." I move the side so he can get in.

"You still have no intention of cleaning your room I see."

"Nope." I sit down on my bed.

"Doctor Strange? I love that movie." He points to my TV.

"Can you get to your point?"

"Oh uhm ok." He paused. "Did I do something? I just don't understand why you are acting the way that you are. Its not making sense to me. We used to be so close so I kind of assumed it would just go back to the way it used to be."

"People grow up. Is that all?"

"But today you just stared at me before school. Almost like you were thinking about something."

"I was in deep thought and you just happened to be in front of me."

"Are you sure it has nothing to do with what Harry said."

"What? Why-"

"Iris he is a complete douche bag. You shouldn't listen to him."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Why should I? You wouldn't do the same for me. Charlie told me about the way you and Bea talk about me."

"But Bea doesn't shout at you and Harry calling you gay as you walk into school."

"Im sorry. I just want us to be friends again." He decided to take a seat next to me on my bed. "I just miss you."

"I am a very missable person, what can I say?"

"No jokes Iris, i'm sorry for not defending you today. Im such a dick sometimes."

"Remember that time you completely went off on Tao for making fun of my hair in 5th year."

"Oh my god."

"Tao stayed silent in class for DAYS." We both begin to laugh. "I guess you can stay for a bit."

I don't know what time Nick left but when I woke up he wasn't in my room anymore.




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iris.evans fist time posting in a year??? photo cred: aled


I go downstairs to get cereal. Its only 8:30 am. Nick is still no where, Connor in laying on the couch, Trev is on the floor in the living room playing with the dog, and Dad is working. He is a Doctor so it feels like he's never home.

"Where's Nick?" I ask as I poor the milk in my cereal.

"You're suddenly interested in Nick?" Connor gets up and looks at me.

"Never mind." I take my cereal up to my room.

I finished my cereal and left my bowl on my desk and laid back in bed.

"Im coming in please be decent." Nick walks in with his eyes closed.


"Good morning sunshine."

"Oh shut up" I roll over to look at him. "Where have you been all morning?"

"Out for a run." He pauses and looks around. "You can't just leave dishes like this in your room." He picks up the bowl on my desk and some other cups.

"Go away." I hide under my covers.

"Back to hating me?"

"Yes." I uncover my face. "I am having friends over tonight so don't bother us or I will kill you."

"And why would I ever do such a thing?" He smiled and walked out of my room with the dishes.

Right now I am doing a test trial with Nick to see if he's a good dude. Once night of us sharing memories does not mean we are best friends again.


We are definitely on the path to being best friends again. We still like the same taste in movies, music, and books. We haven't had a real conversation since 7th year before last night. It feels good to have her back.

"Dude c'mom! Go shower or something Ben is coming over!" Connor yelled at me coming down from Iris' room.

"Ben Hope?" Trevor looked up from his phone.


"Fuck that. He is not stepping foot in this house." Trevor laughed.

"Yeah maybe he shouldn't come." I agreed. I saw him messing with Charlie Spring a couple days ago.

"Shut up Nick." Connor said which surprised me.

The room went silent and then there was a knock at the door.

"Ill get it!" Iris yelled from her room all the way upstairs. I decided to open it to save her some time.

"Iris you will not- you are not Iris." Tao looked me directly in the eye. "Iris did this rugby lad break into your house!?"

"No." She walked up behind me. "Move" She shoved me a bit. I did as she said. Her and Tao slid past me up to her room. Is she into him? 


"Are you sure you sure you want Ben here? All of Iris' friends are here." Nick asked as he was trying to make some sort of snack.

"Yes." I replied. There was a knock at the door. "Ill get that."

"Connor." Charlie smiled at me.

"Ch-Charlie." I smiled back.

"May I come in." He gave me a weird look as I stared at him nervously.

"Uhm, yeah, sorry" I move.

"Are they-" He pointed upstairs.

"Yeah, yeah." I smile again. Why the fuck do I have to be so awkward around him. I really like Charlie, in a friend way, I think. I mean I don't think I am gay, I think he is just a special person.

I stare as Charlie walks up the stairs.

"Yo, was that Charlie Spring?" Ben Hope magically appears in my door way and I jump.

"Holy shit!"

"Its just me." Ben smiles and lets himself in.

"Ben." Nick awkwardly smiles and nods at Ben.

"Nick." Ben does the same. "So what's the plan."

"We are going to order a pizza for dinner and then like watch a movie or some shit." I reply. "And we can't bother Iris and her friends or she will literally rip all of our heads off."

"Where is your dad?"

"He's working really late tonight." I give Ben a weird look.

"So the alcohol cupboard is unattended?"

"I mean yeah but-"

"Perfect." Ben smirks.

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