5. daylight

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Ben hasn't talked to me since last weekend. Iris told me what happened after I passed out and I really feel bad for Charlie but Ben is one of my only friends and I don't know if I can just let him go.

"Are you Connor?" A short girl sat beside me on the bench outside of the schools.

"That would be me." I laugh as I take out my airpod. "You are?"

"Oh sorry, i'm Vernon." She held her hand out to shake mine.

"Well, how can I help you Vernon?"

"I was just wondering if I could maybe get your snapchat or instagram or something. My friend Nick told me about you."

"Oh yeah, for sure." I take out my phone and let her type her user into Insta. "It was nice meeting you, but I have to go."

"Ill see you around."

"For sure."


"Here listen to this" I place one of my ear buds into Nicks ear as we sit on a blanket at some park near my house.

"Daylight by Harry Styles?" Nick smirks.

"How do you know all of these songs." I sigh and lay back on the blanket. Its been a couple of weeks since the Ben incident and Nick and I are actually starting to be 'friends' again I guess. We've been playing a game where we take turns choosing a song and the other person has to guess.

"I don't live under a rock, Iris."

"Really? And this whole time I thought you lived like Patrick."

"Shut up, ginger."

"How dare you! I thought you were on my side." I grabbed my heart jokingly. "Sorry, not everyone gets blessed with dark blonde hair mister perfect."

"Me and year 5 Tao have more in common than you think." Nick was trying his best not to laugh while talking. "On a more serious note, I know you and my friends don't really get along but, uhm, would you like to come to Harry's birthday with me?

"Harry Greene?"

"Harry Styles." Nick paused "...of coarse Harry Greene."

"I don't know. Im not a very outgoing big party type of person?"

"Please don't make me go alone." Nick gave me some cringe ass puppy dog eyes.

"Can't Connor go with you?"

"Harry told me to invite cool people."

"Are you calling me cool?"

"Definitely not, you are just cooler than your brother."

"When is it?"

"This Saturday. We can walk from your house, it's not that far."

"Fine. Thanks for the 2 day notice by the way."

"Thank you so much." Nick rubbed my head and stood up. "I have to go for dinner, you are welcome to join."

"Im good, thanks."

I went home, ate, and pretty much stayed up all night reading and listening to music since I don't have school Friday. On Friday I didn't really do anything and when Saturday came I began to panic, not knowing what to wear. Ive never been nervous over picking out an outfit. I ended up going with some nice jeans and a nice top since I didn't want to be over or under dressed.

"Iris have you seen- why are you all dressed up?" Connor comes into my room unannounced. "Did you get invited to Harry's party? By who? He hates you."

"Do you ever shut up?" I looked at him in the mirror.

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