15. tv

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The signs were there. Giving me his things, always trying to make plans with me. I ignored everything. I thought it was all in my head.

"Ms. Evans!" My teacher yells as I look down at the text from my father on my phone. I keep re-reading it. 'Trevor overdosed. Take a bus to the hospital asap.' I don't even have it in me to answer the teacher. I just grab my bag and walk out. I freak out trying to walk out of the school to the bus stop. When I get outside I already see Connor outside, waiting for me. Instead of saying anything he just runs up to me and hugs me, tighter than any other hug we have shared.


"Have you guys talked to Iris today?" I quickly run up to Tara and Darcey, who are walking out of school. "She isn't answering my texts."

"We we're going to ask you the exact same thing." Darc looks at me, confused.

"Have you guys seen Connor?" Charlie walks up behind us.

"He wasn't in 5th period today." I start to connect the dots. Iris stopped answering me during third period.

"They could have a doctors appointment?" Tara suggests.

"At the same time?" I start to get frustrated. Something wrong is definitely happening but I can't put my finger on it.

"How about we all go to their house." Darc tries to calm us down.

"Hey guys have you seen Iris?" Aled comes up.

"No!" We all day at the same time.

"Alright, jeez." He rolls his eyes. We tell him about the plan and get on the first bus to their house. The whole bus ride I check my phone every 2 minutes waiting for either Iris or Connor to answer, just hoping I get a notification.

"Her dads car is gone but Trev's is still here so he must be around." Charlie says as we walk up to the Evans house. We knock. No answer. We knock again. No answer.

"I don't know what to do." I brush my hand through my hair as I walk away angrily.

"Maybe a family thing came up." Aled tries to calm me down.

"Why wouldn't she tell me tho, it doesn't make any sense." I shake my head.


"Can you at least turn off your phone so I don't have to fucking listening to the buzzing." Connor scoffs. He's trying to hide his tears by not looking at me. We are in the waiting room for Trev to wake up. The nurses only let Dad in.

"Sorry." I shorty reply sniffling and shutting down my phone.

"I didn't mean..." He decided to not finish his sentence. I don't know what to feel. Disappointed? Mad? Sad? Sympathetic? Frustrated? Guilt? I just don't understand my emotions.

"I could've prevented this." I shakily put my phone in my backpack. "It's my fault."

"What do you mean by that?" Connor finally looks over at me.

"It's all my fault." I start to shake my head, letting more tears pour from my swollen eyes.

"Don't say that." He wraps his arm around me and pulls me in. I rest my head on his shoulder as we both silently sob.

"Evans?" A tall man with black hair approaches us. I nod in response. "Trevor is up."

"Are we able to... see him?" I take my head up off of Connors shoulder. He nods and signals for us to follow him. Connor and I quickly get up and grab our bags.

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