27. happier than ever

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"So, how was your first week at back at school?" Dad tries to make small talk at dinner. Him and Connor still haven't talked about what Trev let slip, i'm not even sure if Connor knows what Dad heard.

"Fine." I smile and answer since no one else will.

"It was alright." Con picks at his food.

"Alright?" Dad looks confused.

"Yeah... alright." Connor gives dad a reassuring smile. We don't usually have family dinner like this. Maybe once a month.

"Oh shoot, I forgot to get your friend a plate." Dad gets up smirking. He has that look he usually has when he's up to something.

"My friend?" I look at Trev and he's also smiling, but not at me. He is looking past me.

"Iris." I hear a voice I know behind me and I turn around to look.

"Bea." I raise my eyebrows. I have not talked to her in weeks. She has been leaving me on read and avoiding my calls.

"Hey." She smiles and walks up to me. She wraps her arms around me as I sit stiffly. Huh? I'm in genuine shock.

"What? Why are you here?" I pull away.

"That was not the reaction I was expecting." She moves over to Connor to give him a quick hug. "I'm here to see you guys, obviously."

"Yeah, well, you don't seem to be too interested in talking to me." I grab my unfinished plate and walk out of the dining room up to my room. Why would she ignore me, just to fly all the way out here?

"Iris, can I come in?" I hear my dad on the other side of the door.


"I'm sorry, I didn't know you guys were fighting. Trev planned this whole thing out and I just assumed that you two were still friends." Dad takes a seat next me in my bed. Why would Tev plan this? "Are you okay with her staying here? Trev offered to let her stay in his room if you don't want her in yours." And then it hits me. Bea has been ignoring me because she's into Trev. That's the real reason she's here, not for me, not for any of our friends, but for my older brother.

"I don't care." I lay back. "Nick is coming over in a couple of minutes by the way."

"Alright." He kisses my forehead and leaves my room. As he walks out the door Connor comes in.

"Bea and Trev are totally into each other." He shuts the door behind them.

"I fucking know. Why else would she be here? She doesn't talk to us." I sigh.

"It's so weird seeing her." He lays down next to me.

"Yeah." I turn to my side to look at my brother. "It really sucks that she was like the only person who could really understand me and then in a blink of an eye she's ignoring me and trying to bone my older brother."

"I understand you." He shortly laughs.

"Yeah, because you are my brother."

"Hey, do you think dad has been acting weird lately?" He asks out of the blue.

"N-no." I stutter.


"Con, I don't know how to say this but..."

"But what, Iris!?" His tone raises as he gets more tense.

"When we were in Spain, Dad overheard Trev talking about you and Char." I put my hand on his should but he brushes it away and leans into me. "Hey, it's okay." I rub his head as his face is buried in my shoulder. "I think we both need to have conversations with certain people."

"You're right, I should talk to him." He sits back up.

"I'll go talk to Bea." I hug him one last time before he leaves my room.


I creep down the stairs silently to the kitchen. Dad is washing dishes while humming to whatever song is on the radio.

"Hey." I walk up to the counter and sit down.

"Hey, bud." He doesn't look back at me.

"Can we talk about something." I ask reluctantly.

"I'm actually kind of busy right now." He is still is more focused on the dishes.

"Dad, please." My voice starts to breakdown. I'm holding in my tears as best as I can. What if he won't love me anymore? What if he disowns me? Will he look at me different or treat me different?

"What's up." He sighs as he turns around.

"I want to talk about something that happened in Spain."

"Why? Is everything alright?" He leans on the counter in front of me.

"Iris told me what you heard." I let out a breath shakily as the tears I was hiding start to swell. "I don't want you to think of me differently, i'm still Connor and I love you and i'm sorry." The tears start to fall. Dad looks sad too. "Dad," I pause. "I'm gay." He stays silent. "Please don't hate me." He doesn't say anything. I wipe my eyes and he slowly walks around the counter towards me. Instead of yelling at me or disowning me he just wraps his arms around me.

"I could never hate you mimmo." He uses the nickname Mom gave me. I can feel him shaking, he's crying too. "Mom would be so proud of you."


Knock. Knock. Knock.

I stand outside Trev's door waiting for an answer.

"What?" He opens the door just enough to see me.

"Can I talk to Bea?" I ask looking down at my feet.

"So you can get mad at her some more? What has she ever done to you? You are a horrible person and you're being a cunt for no reason." He slams the door. My heart sinks to the bottom of my stomach. Is this my fault? Am I the problem? I hear Bea giggling inside of the room. Is this all a joke to her? She has been the only person in my life to understand me and listen to me when I needed her too. What happened?

I walk back over across the hall to my room, closing and locking the door behind me. Maybe this is the end for us. I'm done trying.

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