17. mad woman

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"How long until the bus is here?" Trev groans. Dad ended up getting called into work so it's just me and Trev picking up Connor. A week without Connor has been weirdly quiet.

"It's right there." I point down at the bus coming down the street.

"Holy shit why is it so hot out." He fans himself with his hands. What an idiot.

"Stop complaining, man child." I roll my eyes as the bus pulls up.

"Iris!!" Charlie comes running up to me, engulfing me in a hug. Connor follows behind him. "Trev? Hey! It's so nice to see your doing better."

"Hey." Connor gives me a quick hug after Charlie finally lets go so he can talk to Trev quickly. "Shoulda came."

"So did you guys just have so much fun without me?" I tease the two boys in front of me.

"Never!" Someone grabs my waist from behind and I turn to see Aled. I smile and kiss him on the cheek, not thinking much of it since we are best friends. I turn back to see Nick had joined Charlie and Connor. His eyes feel like bullets.

"Well we should get going, Connor." I let myself free of Aled's grip.

"Finally!" Trev sighs.

"Can we give Nick a ride?" Connor asks. As if this day couldn't get any worse. I can't be trapped in a metal machine with the boy i'm in love with.

"Yeah, whatever." Trev shrugs and starts to walk off to his car.

"I call shot gun!" Connor yells, running off after Trev. That dickhead knows exactly what he is doing.

"Connor! You have your whole entire life to be a jerk, just take one day off!" I yell after him. Nick chuckles beside me but I can't even look at him. I walk up to the car getting into the back and Nick does the same on the other side, after putting his suitcase in the trunk. "Idiot." I cough under my breath while kicking the back of Connor's seat.

"What are you twelve?" He whips his head around to me while Trev pulls out of the parking lot.

"Yeah, on a scale from one to ten." We both stare at each other in silence until we both all of sudden burst out into a fit of laughter. Rib hurting, headache causing laugher.

"I will crash this car if you guys don't shut the fuck up." Trev had to raise his voice over our laughter to be heard. "Iris, did you take your pills before we left?" Why is he mentioning this now, in front of Nick. I can't let him know.

"Yeah." My mood changes quickly as a whisper and turn to face the window.

"What about you Trev?" Connor tries to make it less awkward. I love him for that.

"You really think Iris would let me leave the house without berating me?" Trev scoffs. God he's being such a dick today.


"Thank you." I say as a shut the door to Trevor's car. It really hurts to see Iris. It hurts to act like nothing happened. It hurts to see her happy without me.

"Mom, i'm home!" I drag my suitcase into the house.

"Hey sweetie. I'm sorry I couldn't come and get you, i'm not feeling the greatest." Mom walks out of the living room and gives me a hug. "How was Paris?"

"It's was alright." It wasn't alright. The whole time I wanted Iris to be there with me.

"Alright?" She laughs. "Sounds like you really didn't enjoy it. What's up?"

"I just have a lot on my mind." I shrug and walk over to the fridge, searching for something to eat.

"A girl?" She walks up behind me. I never told Mom about Iris and I. It doesn't feel quite right to keep this from her.

"No, ew." I grab some leftovers that I assume are Moms from last night.

"A boy?" She steps in front of the microwave, preventing me from warming up my food.

"No, Mom. Will you please excuse me." I shove the food in the tiny microwave after she steps out of the way.

"You are my son, Nick. I just know something is up. Don't mistake me for some fool. You are a teenage boy and you didn't enjoy going to Paris? That is insane." Her voice pushing me to give her an explanation.

"It's a girl." I lean against the counter, looking anywhere but my mom. "She just confuses me, that's all. She didn't come to the Paris trip and I think it's totally my fault."

"Iris?" She guesses. I realize I gave it away by saying the girl didn't come to the trip. "I knew something was up when she stopped showing up here almost everyday. What did you do to that poor girl?"

"She told me that she loved me and I didn't say it back and I think Trev's accident sort of threw her into a spiral." The microwave beeps and I pull out the food that no longer seems appealing. "We were dating and she broke up with me the day Trev ended up in the hospital."

"Hun, you can't blame yourself for that. You shouldn't feel pressured to say you love someone when you don't. I'm sure she'll realize that." My mom tries to comfort me.

"That's not it, Mom. I do love her I just couldn't tell her." I sigh and she wraps me in one of her comfortable hugs. I feel tears waiting to drop from my eyes. I don't want Mom to see me like this.

"If she really loves you, she'll come back around." My mom unleashes me from her death grip. "But right now all you, my dear, have to worry about is enjoying your summer."

How am I supposed to enjoy this summer?

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