22. something in the orange

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"Morning, Nick." Andre takes me by surprise. I thought I would be the only one up. "Where you headed?"

"Just about to go for a walk, maybe head to the beach." I walk into the kitchen to grab a pastry for breakfast. "Can you tell my mom for me?"

"Yeah, for sure." He smiles, sitting down on the couch. I wave as I walk out.

Last night confirmed that Iris doesn't want me the same way I want her. Maybe she's being serious about the whole 'just friends' thing. I'm really going on this walk so that I don't have to see her when she wakes up. I should have done better. I should have just kept my feelings to myself. I think it's time to accept it's over.


"Have you guys seen Nick?" I panic walking into the kitchen. All the guilt from last night struck and now I can't find Nick to tell him how I feel, how I really feel. I don't care if he rejects me or gives me a dirty look, I just want to let him know that I still love him.

"He said he was going on a walk to the beach, hun." Sarah smiles but I quickly walk out the door and speed walk down the road to the beach. I slow down at the top of beach, scanning for people. In the corner of my eye I see two people sitting in the sand. Nick and Mia. I walk up slowly to see what's happening. They just seem like they're talking. I'm more sure what about but Mia laughs at something Nick says. They both pause and look at each other. I see Mia lean in and my heart actually physically stops beating. Like I swear i'm having a heart attack in this moment. I turn around unable to see what happens next.


"David is quite literally the devil in human form." I joke and Mia laughs a little too hard. I get confused and look over at her to see she's already looking at me, more specifically my lips. Fuck. She starts to lean in but I quickly back away. She nice and all but I just don't like her like that, I only like one person like that. I turn my head to see the one person I'd hate to see walking away from the beach, Iris. I probably look like a huge dick.

"I'm... sorry." Mia looks away in embarrassment.

"I need to go." I quickly get up and starts to speed up the beach. When I get to the top Iris is already down the road almost at the house. I start to sprint hoping I can catch her before she gets in but i'm too late. I'm sweating, panting mess in the front law while she probably in there acting like she didn't see anything. Well, what if she didn't see anything? What if it's just a coincidence?

"Hey." I walk inside, scanning the room for Iris. She's not in the living room or kitchen.

"Hey. I think Iris is looking for you, did she find you?" Mom looks up from her book.

"Well... uh... yeah." I shrug and walk down the hallway to her room. I hear two voices, Iris and Connor. I feel like a creep but I put my ear up to the door.

"Just tell me what happened." I hear muffled Connor beg. "I thought this was supposed to be a positive trip but this is the second breakdown you've had." Yep, she definitely seen.

"Connor, just leave. It's nothing." Iris sobs. Hearing her likes this makes me want nothing more than to be in there hugging her. I hear the door start to open and quickly back away. Connor looks at me weirdly as he walks out of the room.

"What did you do?" He raises his eyebrows, wide eyed.

"I... what?" I try to act confused. He just scoffs and walks off, leaving Iris alone in the room.

All I Ever Asked (N.N.)Where stories live. Discover now