25. about you

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"Iris?" I knock twice on her door.

"One second!" She yells back frantically. "What's up?" She forcefully opens her door and shoves her stray hairs behind her ears.

"Happy birthday." I softly let out. I'm at a loss for words every time I see her.

"Thanks, Nick." She reaches her hangs around my neck and kisses my forehead lightly.

"Do you maybe want to hangout?" I shrug and look away nonchalantly. This is our second last day in Spain and I just don't want my summer with Iris to end.

"Just let me get changed." She gestures for me to come into her room. I plop down on her bed, looking at the ceiling as she changes.

"Can we just stay here forever. We can like move in with Levi." I groan at the thought of leaving.

"Don't you just miss our dear friends." Iris giggles. Honestly, no. I'm not excited to see Aled. He seems to have a bit of an issue with me.

"Speaking of friends, what's up with Bea?" I try to change the subject but Iris goes silent.

"She's to busy hanging out with her rich new private school friends to answer my texts." Iris starts trying to zip up the back of her dress aggressively. "Can you give me a hand?"

"She's really missing out." I push myself of her bed and walk behind Iris. I slowly drag up the zipper of her dress secretly trying to extend this moment to be this close to her for longer. "There you go."

"Thanks." She starts to rummage through her jewelry looking for a necklace to wear.

"Maybe you could wear this one." I pull out a small gold necklace with a sun that has 'N+I' engraved on the back of it. I had it made before we broke up, I was going to give it to her when I was going to tell her that I love her too.

"God, your such a sappy romantic." He cheeks start to flush as she tries to hide her smile.

"Well i'll just keep it, I guess." I slowly go to put it back in my pocket know that she'll stop me.

"Give it here." She holds out her hand. I place the small necklace in her palm and she effortlessly puts it around her neck. "I love it."

"I love you." I quickly embrace her before she can reply.

"I love you too."


"IRIS!" Aled yells as he picks me up and spins me around. I feel comfortable around him but Nicks hugs are so much better in my opinion. Ew, am I becoming a hopeless romantic?

"Hey." I smile as he puts me back down and I move over to hug Char tightly. "I missed you so much, Charlie-Bear."

"I miss you too, Big I." He let's go.

"Where is everyone else?" Nick comes closely behind me. I can feel his chest almost touching my back.

"Elle, Tao, Darc, and Tara are out camping." Charlie raises his eyebrows at me. We have like a connection in our brain I'm pretty sure.

"No. Fucking. Way." My eyes go wide. Double date in the forest omfg. We all walk inside of Charlie's house and start to walk up to his room.

"Iris can we talk." Aled grabs my forearm and I follow him giving Nick and Charlie the 'i'm sorry' look. Nick look a little stressed.

"What's up?" I ask as we walk out to the hall.

"So you Nick are just besties again?" He shakes his head. "I can't believe you."

"Woah, what's wrong?" I look at him, shocked. I start to say something but he cuts me off.

"You can't be friends with your ex." He crosses his arms trying to look intimidating but he's a skinny blonde white boy, how intimidating can he really ever be?

"Who are you to control my life? And he's not my ex we are... dating." It still feels weird to say we are dating again.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me. You lead me on." He looks surprised.

"Leading you on? Oh fuck off." I laugh, thinking he's joking.

"I'm leaving." He rushes past me, slightly shoving me to the side. Drama really just follows me wherever I go. The door slams and Charlie walks out.

"My walls are not paper." Charlie awkwardly smiles. Nick walks out behind him but he doesn't look at me.

"Let's just watch a movie." I push them both back into Charlie's room.

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