11. crush

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Nick and I walk back over to our bowling lane to see my brother, Connor, handing Char a gift. Connor has refused to tell me why he ran after Charlie at the rugby game last weekend but i'm just going to assume they randomly became good friends.

"Connor, hey." Nick walks over to everyone a little ahead of me. Seeing how well Nick fits into my friend group makes me happy. He gets along well with my whole family. Everything seems to be perfect, other than his desire to be a people pleaser.

"So?" Aled comes up to me with a huge grin.

"I forgave him." I roll my eyes knowing what Aled is going to say next.

"God, you give in so easily." He puts his hands on my shoulders. "Also, do you know when Bea will be here? Char is worried."

"No idea, I can text her." I move Aled's arms off of me.


Bae Bea

Beatrix Lang where the fuck
are you?? Char is waiting.



"What's up?" Connor comes up to me, noticing i'm off.

"I'll tell you if you tell me what happened after you ran after Char when he got hurt." I smirk taking my opportunity to figure out what's happening.

"Fuck you." He hides his smile. Oh my god. This can't be happening.

"Wait, are you guys like..." I look at him to finish my sentence.

"Friends, we are friends." He's now blushing.

"Okay good, we have a sacred rule in our friend group that siblings are off limits. That's mean you are off limits to all of my friends." I know somethings up with them but i'm not going to jump to conclusions.

"So what's wrong?" He try's peaking over to my phone.

"I was checking on Bea to see where she is but she left me on read. She also turned off her location." I sigh.

"I'm sure she'll show. She would never miss Charlie's birthday." He reassures me.

"Iris! It's your turn!" Elle yells over to me.

"You better go." Connor pushes me up off my seat.

Charlie's birthdays are always the best. He doesn't have many friends so the parties aren't big and the energy at his parties is always top tier. Other than this one. Bea never showed to the party. She didn't call or text anyone.

"Come on, my mom is waiting for us." Tao grabs mine and Aled's arms. "Connor do you need a ride?"

"Yes please." Connor walks up to us. I'm honestly not even sure how he got here.

"Bye Char. I'm sorry about Bea." I escape Taos grips to give Char another hug.

"Where's mine." Nick pretends to be offended.

"Maybe on your birthday." I smile and follow after Tao and Aled.

The way home was pretty quiet, other than Aled making random weird noises to brighten the mood. You can always count on Aled to light up a room.

"Dad, are you home?" I yell as I walk in to my house, Aled and Connor following behind me. I told Aled he could stay at my house tonight to finish watching Grease with me.

"No he's working late again." Trev yells back from the kitchen. "Come in here."

"What's up?" I turn into the kitchen while Aled goes up to my room.

"I want you to have this." He takes his favourite bracelet off his wrist and hands it out to me.

"Why? You wear it everyday." I furrow my eyebrows grabbing the gold bracelet with a rugby ball charm.

"I don't play anymore. It's more fitting for you." He smiles up at me as he sits at the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"Thank you." I smile and give him a quick hug. I walk upstairs to my room to see that Aled had already unpaused the movie.

"You little bitch." I scoff.

"It is what it is."


It pains me that Iris forgave me so quickly, which sounds so odd but it's true. I deserve to be put in my place but she is just too sweet. I don't know why she is even agreeing to go out with me. My friends are jerks, i'm not good looking, i'm a total douchebag, and I messed up our relationship in two weeks of being together. I'm just waiting for the day she finds someone better. I have to realize, i'm the problem.

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