14. miles apart

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Today is the day. The day my best friend moves to New York. The last week I have dreaded today and now that is has finally come it feels ten times worse. I wish she would have told us earlier so we could prepare for this moment, for this goodbye.

I watch as Char hugs Bea with tears going down both of their faces. I haven't shed a tear yet. I feel so dumb for not understanding the situation earlier.

"Iris." Bea snaps me out of my thought as she walks up to me. "Come here." She opens her arms wide and I lean into them. As I she hugs me tightly she whispers softly so no one can hear. "I know about you and Nick, i'm not any idiot, and no one else here is either." She unwraps me and smiles. Nick gives her a quick hug and then she picks up her bag and says her last goodbye.

"Don't forget to text us please." Elle wipes dried tears off her cheek and Bea climbs into her dads truck.

"And call!" Darc adds.

"I will call and text everyday, I promise." She waves as she shut the door and they drive off to the airport, leaving us all on the front lawn of her old house.

"Well fuck." Tara sighs watching the truck disappears around the corner.

"Do you guys want to come to my house and have a funeral." I suggest. Nick laughs wrapping his arm around me.

"As long as Connor makes those good mini pizzas for us." Aled is in love with Connors cooking.

"I will force him to make them for us, don't worry." I smile and we all walk off to my house.


Charlie and I have been hanging out a ton lately. He has never brought up the kiss, so I decided not to either. I like him, I really do, but i'm not sure if it's a platonic way or not. Kissing him felt right but thinking about makes my stomach turn.

"Connor!" I hear Iris yell from the front door. "Can you pretty please make us mini pizzas, we just had to say goodbye to our best friend." I know for a fact she will make me feel guilty if I don't.

"Fine." I roll my eyes and put my phone down.

"Hey, Connor." Charlie walks into the kitchen with Iris, Elle, Darcey, Tara, Aled, Tao, and Nick following behind him.

"Oh hey!" I straighten my posture as my voice cracks. "Wow i'm going to need to make a ton of pizzas."

"I can help." Nick grabs two of the aprons hanging on the pantry door and hands me one.

"In the kitchen, where men belong." Iris puts her hands on her hips confidently.

"When does Beas plane land?" Tara asks sitting down the couch while everyone except Nick and I follow.

"It's an 8 hour flight so probably 2:30 am. I told her I would stay up and wait for her to text me when she lands." Iris sighs. "I can barley stay up past 9 anymore."

"I'll stay over and keep you awake." Charlie smiles and puts his head on her lap. Charlie's smile is always so beautiful.

"Why don't we all just stay over?" Aled suggests.

"Why not?" Iris laughs.

"A little distracted?" Nick waves his hand in front of me, noticing me staring at Charlie on the coach. The people on the couch continue their conversation while I start putting pizza sauce on all the naan bread. "So, I don't want to assume anything, but they way you look at Charlie is really hard to not notice."

"It's nothing, we are just friends." I stutter. "What about the way you look at Iris?" Instead of replying he just smiles and looks back down. "Wait, you and Iris?"

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