23. iris

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"Hey." I walk into Iris' room as Connor walks out. She looks at me in the mirror of the vanity and then quickly wipes her face and straightens her back.

"What's up?" She acts normal.

"I just want to check to see what's wrong." I sit down on her bed, showing her that i'm not going anywhere.

"It's nothing. Just Trevor stuff, the usual." She lies. I know she's lying because she darts her eyes between her hands and me in the mirror, it's what she always does.

"I'm not stupid, Iris. Tell me." My eyes stare right through her. She turns around and I can fully see how red and puffy her face is.

"It really doesn't matter, Nick. It's so stupid i'm literally crying for no reason." She shakes her head. I feel like my heart just dropped to my stomach.

"It matters to me." I say sternly.

"Just stop Nick!" She jumps up out of her chair. Memories of the night she left me coming flooding back. The way she yelled at me that night is exactly how she just yelled at me and it's breaking me all over again. "Last night you were telling me you are not over me and then this morning I get a special surprise waiting for me at the beach. Ya, I seen you and Mia stop acting so stupid. Y'know maybe I was at the beach looking for you so I could tell you that I fucking feel the same way! Fuck!" Her head drops to her hands as she lets out a sob. "And it hurts because I have no right to be mad. I'm the one who broke up with you." Her tone softens.

"I didn't kiss Mia." Is all I can stutter out. "I rejected her and then I saw you running away and that's why I ran all the way back here." My eyes widen as the realization of what Iris said hits me. She feels the same way?

"I'm sorry, i'm sorry." She takes a deep breath and pauses for a minute. "I was overreacting and mad and it was all a big misunderstanding and I would understand if you would like to move on because i'm not stopping you and I had no right to be angry."

Fuck it. I get up from the bed and walk over to her slowly as she stares at her feet. I pick up her chin with my thumb and index finger. She shuts her eyes. "Look at me." Her eyes reluctantly open at my words. I remove my hand from her chin and slide it over her cheek. I place my other hand on her waist. I'm starting to feel as if pure desire is taking over. "Are you okay with this?" I snap out of it. She nods as a response. I widely grin as I lean in and softly press a kiss onto her forehead and I move slowly down to her temple, cheek, and finally, lips. She doesn't back away or push me off, instead she holds a tight grip on the sides of my shirt. I feel bad for her because I probably smell like sweat from running all the way up here but i'm so glad to be here right now with her.

"Iris!" Some yells from the other side of the door. Worst timing. She quickly pulls away rushing towards to the door without looking back at me. This time i'm not worried, I know things will work out.


Holy fucking fuck shit oh my lord. I just kissed Nick. Did I just kiss Nick? This could all be a delusion or maybe a dream, I might have fallen asleep during my complete meltdown. Wake up, Iris!

"Iris! Come here!" I here a voice call out for me. I stick my head around the corner to see who's calling me, of course it's fucking Trev. "Please scratch my back."

"Go to hell." I roll my eyes walking past him to the kitchen. "Get Connor to do it."

"He's off being depressed about not being able to bring his boyfriend." Trev flops down into the couch. Trev just fucked up because Dad is in the kitchen standing right beside me. His eyes go wide but he doesn't say anything.

"Oh, hey Dad!" I say loudly enough for Trevor to hear.

"I- I meant like a boy who's a friend!" Trev tries to fix his mistake. "My bad." Once again Dad doesn't say anything, he just walks off to the backyard where everyone else is watching Addison and Jackson play.

"Nice one, Trev." I cover my face with my hand. Connor is going to absolutely slaughter us. I'm going to be totally honest tho, that's the least of my worries. I have to focus on what the fuck just happened with Nick.

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