1.3 Ouch, Band-aid can't fix this.

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"How cruel of you. Are you not going to stop him? You know, he will only get rejected." The white haired chibi sat on Ezequiel's shoulder as they watched the human named Asahi.

"I think he knows that more than anyone else." On a safe distance, Ezequiel hidden himself behind the tall bushes. He quietly stared at Asahi from where he was hiding. "He had already made his decision, Who am I to stop him?" Ezequiel shrugged.

"I don't understand you humans. Why would you do something so stupid even though you know that you will only get hurt?"

He kept his voice low and hushed. "I guess humans are weird and complex." Ezequiel took a large bite off his onigiri. He opened a can of cold coffee and took a sip of the cold caffeine.

"Human, are you going to drink that?" The scammer pointed at another unopened can of coffee.


"Give me that. I want it. " He demanded.

"You want one? Then go and buy some at the vending machine. As you said, nothing is for free." Ezequiel mocked and quoted the words of the annoyance. 

"Are you defying me, mortal?" His face turned stony. 

"How demanding. Fine, here you go." Ezequiel snickered before shoving the can into the chubby hands of the scammer. The white haired chibi drank the soda in one gulp. He let out a loud burp and threw the empty can on Ezequiel's shoulder.

Ezequiel hastily caught the can before it hit the ground. He glared at the scammer, who was only mockingly smirking and rubbing his bulging stomach.

"I hope you get cavities, you glutinous scammer." Ezequiel frowned. 

The scammer only cackled in response and disappeared once again. Ezequiel sighed in relief. Remembering his task, he quitely kept his sight upon the lone male in the middle of the garden.

The sun's rays gently dawned upon Asahi's form, his dark locks illuminated under its warm presence. He held the envelope carefully in his hands as if he was afraid it might get ruined by his slightest touch.

"Asahi! Sorry I'm late!" Hinami struggled to catch her breath as she wiped the sweat on her brow.

"It's ok, I just came here." 

Hiding within the shadows of the bush, Ezequiel tried to listen to their conversation. His electric blue eyes peeked through the leaves as he watched their interaction.

Silence engulfed the two childhood friends. Asahi just stared at Hinami with a complicated expression on his face.

"Hey, you okay?" Hinami put her hand on Asahi's shoulder in concern. 

Asahi stumbled on his words as he tried to properly convey all his feelings. His eyes were filled with longing as he held Hinami's hands. "Hontou ni aishite imasu..." Asahi give his love letter. Asahi watched her expression carefully, his jolt of confidence shrunk .

"Are you trying to prank me, Asahi?" Hinami forced a laugh. "This is not funny."

Asahi's silence told Hinami everything.

She shook her head in denial. This can't be happening. Hinami is unable to meet Asahi's gaze. It was full of love and devotion, it was too honest that it only made her feel guilty. "Asahi... You know I like girls." Witnessing the pain that flashed in Asahi's eyes, Hinami hesitated. She never wanted to hurt someone so close to her heart. "Sorry, I just can't-"

"It's fine. You don't have to explain anything." He forced a smile on his face, yet it looked unnatural and stiff. Asahi wiped the tears burning in the corner of his eyes. "I understand..."

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