2.8 Well, That Didn't Work

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The King of Aves never lost control of his emotions.

However, for the first time in his life, he felt his heart beat. It was such a strange feeling. He felt warm, like in the middle of a cold blizzard he is blessed by the rays of the sun, but in the same moment he felt yearning, as if he were waiting for centuries just to feel these emotions.

Ryo couldn't figure out what it was or what made the man in front of him so special. It is unbearable and disturbing. The strange sensation in his heart seems to grow the more he looks at the man he was supposed to kill.

He didn't know what was wrong with him, but he felt that the man in front of him gave Ryo a very familiar feeling, as if he had come to this world just to wait for that person.

The King of Aves patiently waited for an answer. He saw a flash of fear and nervousness in the man's eyes. The man immediately lowered his gaze, his long, dark bangs covered his expression, and he didn't move for a long time. When the man raised his gaze, a large, dark energy formed and shot the King of Aves on the shoulder.

"Of course I know you. Aren't you one of the little lovers of Neo?" The man smirked as if he had control over everything despite having multiple injuries and being poisoned.

The King of Aves frowned, he felt like this man is hiding something he couldn't let this man die until he found out what it is.

"Wow, you really are way too cowardly and boring to be a villain." Golden eyes that are basked in mischief stare at the man inside the prison cell. "I even made the difficulty of this world low so that you could earn points easily, and yet you managed to pathetically fail."

Ezequiel only stared at the rust on the metal bars of his prison cell and pretended he didn't hear anything, but like a buzzing fly in his ear, Eclipse kept on talking.

Ezequiel already knows he is pathetically weak and stupid. He has only been in two worlds, yet he has already experienced a lot of maddening situations.

He got a feeling that things would get worse in the future.

"God is watching." Eclipse lifted Ezequiel's chin and forced him to look at him. "So give me a good show, my dear human." He cooed as he pinched Ezequiel's cheeks.

The grin on Eclipse's lips widens as Ezequiel's expression contorts into annoyance.

"Punyeta, naman." Ezequiel cursed under his breath. He wanted to slap the hand that was pinching his cheeks, but he couldn't even move his hands because of the side effects of the poison. "Can you stop that God complex of yours and leave me alone?" Ezequiel let out a cough, and his voice sounded raspy.

It turns out the weapons they used are coated with poison. Neo had already removed most of the poison in Ezequiel's body, which is probably why Ezequiel is still alive and breathing now.

"God complex? There's nothing complex about it. I am God." Eclipse casually mentioned.

Ezequiel decided to just ignore him, but there are still a lot of things he needs to deal with. Ezequiel clenched his fist as he remembered a man with cold gray eyes. The pain in his body seemed to intensify as he struggled to regulate his breathing.

Ezequiel needs to recover soon.

Ezequiel's body hurt too much; he felt like he was going to pass out. He couldn't heal his body with his energy because the prison cell is made out of a special stone that prevents him from using dark magic. Not only did Ezequiel fail miserably, but he also needs to deal with all the injuries on his body because of the fight.

How could he even escape if he couldn't even stand up?

"Look at you." Eclipse shakes his head as if he were a parent scolding a kid. "It's not even Halloween, and yet you look like a mummy." Ezequiel looked like he was cosplaying a mummy with all the bandages he has on his body.

"But on the bright side, your expression greatly entertains me, human." Eclipse cackled loudly, and his voice echoed on the prison cell, making Ezequiel's headache worse from the loud, infuriating noise.
"Well, I'm in a good mood. How about I heal you as a reward?"

"You will heal me?" Ezequiel looked suspiciously at the grinning white-haired man.

"Aw, you hurt me." Eclipse smirked. "Do you really not trust me?"

"No." Ezequiel answered without hesitation.

"You're so cold-hearted, and here I am being so kind and concerned, even if you don't deserve it." Eclipse dramatically sigh. With a snap of his fingers, a blue light engulfed Ezequiel's body.

Ezequiel felt lighter; the bruises on his body disappeared as if all his injuries were just an illusion. Ezequiel sat up from the ground and carefully stretched his limbs to see if he was truly healed, but before he could feel relieved, the loud sounds of footsteps caught his attention.

Ezequiel immediately lay on the ground and pretended he was still weak and injured. If they saw him all healed and healthy, they would be suspicious. Eclipse snickered, making Ezequiel feel like something troublesome was about to happen.

Wait a minute.

Why is Eclipse still standing there and not disappearing? It will be bad if they see him. Ezequiel tried to signal him to go away, but Eclipse only winked and smiled like the rascal that he is.

The crown prince of Panthera Leo arrived with his knights. Their eyes look around Ezequiel's prison cell as if they are trying to find something.

Ezequiel stiffened slightly; they wouldn't see Eclipse, right? Ezequiel felt an internal panic as he discreetly looked at the man who was leaning on the wall and smiling in amusement.

"Who are you hiding?" Lyon questioned, his eyes narrowing as an air of intimidation surrounded him.

Ezequiel almost sighs in relief; it looks like they can't see the eclipse. "What do you mean?" Ezequiel acted confused and annoyed as he stared at the crown prince.

"Stop acting stupid." The prison cell harshly vibrated when Lyon slammed his hands on it. "I detected a strange energy; I know you are hiding something."

"Do you want me to introduce myself?" Eclipse whispered in Ezequiel's ear.

The veins at the temples of Ezequiel were pulsating. He had already accumulated a lot of anger just by Eclipse's mere presence, but he could only remain silent to avoid suspicion.

Ezequiel's face was a little distorted, but he forced his face to look emotionless as he raised his head and looked straight at the crown prince outside the prison and completely ignored Eclipse's existence.
"You can investigate if you want." Ezequiel shrugged. "Just make it fast. I want to rest."


Hi! Just some shameless self-promotion. I published a new story called "I'm Not Prepared For This Reincarnation." If you're interested, please read it.
( ˘ ³˘)♥♥️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2023 ⏰

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