2.2 The Local Protagonist Fights with the Power of Love and Friendship!!!

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Warning: Neo and the snake guy being horny.


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Who would win?

Three kings and two crown prince of the most powerful kingdom of beastmen.


One horny boy with the power of love and friendship.

In the heart of the secret garden of the Pisces Kingdom, Neo called his friends for a secret meeting. The Aves King, the twin rulers of Pisces, the Panthera Leo crown prince and the Serpentes Crown prince gathered before him.

The four powerful kingdoms wanted the death of the vessel of darkness, but Neo wanted to save Kieran.

And so it led to this chaos.

"I will go to the death forest and try to negotiate with him." Determination radiated brightly from his blue eyes as he stared at his friends.

"It's too dangerous. We cannot let you venture alone in the forest." The Oldest twin Azure worriedly frown while his younger twin Azul nodded in agreement.

"I have the power of light. I will not get hurt. I can protect myself." Neo earnestly stated, hoping that it will convince them.

"Exactly, you have the power of light and you are the son of the Deity of Fertility." The king of the Aves kingdom shot Neo a disapproving look. "You are too valuable to get hurt."

"Believe in me!" Neo hmphs and childishly stomped his feet. "I can save Kieran and purged the darkness within him!" The only thought that was running through Neo's head was saving his villain. It was all his fault. He should have found Kieran the moment he got into this world. He knew what was going to happen in this world like the back of his hand. Neo had read it multiple times, but he accidentally forgot about Kieran's awakening.

The Serpentes Crown Prince Ophio rubbed his temples as he let out a tired sigh. "Neo, even if you are strong, we need plans. He is a dangerous enemy, and we don't know what his goals are." Ophio knew he couldn't really stop Neo if he wanted to do something. He is as stubborn as a bull. Although he liked Neo's stubbornness, it was sometimes worrying, especially if Neo didn't want to listen to logic and reason.

"Kieran is not dangerous!! He is just a vessel of darkness but he is not evil. He yearns for someone to support and love him. " Neo's voice was profound. He clenched his fist and put it on top of his heart.

"Are you an idiot? He is a monster! He is the vessel of the darkness!" The Crown prince of the Panthera Leo kingdom tried to reason. Lyon couldn't afford to feel sympathy. There is a good reason why they felt threatened by the darkness within Kieran.

And as a future ruler of his kingdom, the crown prince wouldn't risk the safety of his people. "Don't interfere, Father already has plans to send our soldiers to kill that monster after the next full moon." Lyon does not know the reason why Neo is extremely protective. Why can't Neo realize that he can't save that bastard?

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