Chapter 0

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At a space station somewhere in the galaxy...
"You lost BoraRa!" Gempa along with the other six elements told the main enemy of this fight

"Me? Hah, you may be right Boboiboy, but I'm not done yet" BoraRa said with a look of premeditated expression on his face. Ignoring the wary expressions of the people in front of him, he pulled out from his broken armor a rather old-looking energy ball and smiled suspiciously.

"DimensionBot! Activate!"

Suddenly, in front of the aliens appeared a crack in the air and became larger with a dark dimension inside, but it had an amazing gravity that sucked up everything in front of it like a black hole

"Oh no! Everyone grab onto something, hurry!" The Earth elemental was one of the fastest to respond to inform his friends behind who were fighting.

"Earth barrier!" "Gravitational Pull" Gempa with his earthen gloves punches the ground with every single earth rising from the ground (even though the space station is made of metal lol) to make a hold with Yaya using her power to create attraction for everyone stick to the ground
"Aaaaaah! I don't wanna die yet! MAMA!!!"。:゚(;'∩';)゚:。Gopal scream in tear while holding his friend's leg
"Gopal! Stop cry on my pants"(#`д')ノFang said when using his power to stop anyone fall in that thing
"AAAAAAAAAAH! HALI DON'T LET GO!" (゜Д゜!!)The frightened tornado boy clung to the body of the lightning user who was clinging to the sword that was stuck in the ground even though that boy's face is black like the bottom of a pot.
"Oh shut up"(ʘ言ʘ╬)
"Thorn are you sure these vines can hold up for long?" Solar said in disbelief even though he was tied up by the vines and had to cling to it (even though it had thorns) like his life depended on it
"Just believe in me Solar"( ̄▽ ̄)
" your hand...have to made of ice! " ( ಠ益ಠ)Blaze, who was firmly grasping the earth that Gempa created with one hand, with the other holding his twin brother's ice hand

"Then why do you even hold my right hand but not my left ?"(▰_▰)

'Why are you so calm at the time like this!!!'(°ㅂ°╬)
And then in that moment one of the iron bars above due to not being able to hold it fell right where they were. Blaze was so surprised that it was about to fall on his head, so he dodged it and kicked it into the crack(ok i know this might be not very logic but just stick with it ok 👌)
'That was close..... wait' looking at his empty hand

"BLAAAAAAAAAAAAZE, YOU ARE SO DEAD WITH MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" Ice screams as he is dropped into the crack
"ICE!!!!" Others shouted
'Oh no'(;;;・_・) Blaze thought as he worried about his fate when he was about to face Gempa and the others but couldn't help but feel bad that he let go of Ice's hand.
At the same time, after Ice fell into the crack for 2 seconds, the power of the power sphere became weaker and the crack gradually disappeared and everything in the air that was no longer under the influence of gravity gradually fell and everything things quickly fall into chaos
"Everyone get out of here!"Gempa screams as a golem knocks BoraRa out and captures him as the crack disappears
'Blaze is so dead when I came back' Ice thought first, feeling the pain of his body shrinking, then what he remembered before closing his eyes was a blinding light and noises gradually appearing.
At that moment, in another dimension
"Is anyone else in there?" Endeavor said while rescuing people trapped in a burning building. He felt really uncomfortable when a few minutes ago received the news that his wife was about to give birth, just as he was on the way to the hospital, suddenly a nearby building got exploded, seemingly an attack by a villain and of course because he is the number 2 hero himself, he needs to step in before the villain harms the people.

"Sir, except for the civilians who were too close to the explosion that was inevitable when we arrived, all the people have been taken out" One of the rescue team announced as another hero use his quirk to put out the fire

"Well then I'll leave this for you, I have some to take care of" Just as he was about to leave, a child's cry suddenly resounded amidst the tense atmosphere that had just ceased
"Looks like there's still a baby inside. It's pretty close so I'll check it out." Endeavor thought as he walked towards the source of the cry. Moving through the rubble he saw a baby wrapped in a rather warm garment, although it was a bit burnt, and in the child's hand was a watch that looked quite big for that little hand
When he came out, the others were quite surprised. "There is a baby that can still survive in the building."
"What a miracle!"
"But why didn't his parents come out to recognize him?"
"His parents must have been one of the people near the explosion and didn't make it. It's pitiful that he's so young."

Looking at this baby, Endeavor remembered that his wife was in the hospital with the baby. Without hesitation, he ran straight and forgot that he was holding a baby

The rescue teams who were helping the injured people said in their hearts when they saw the second hero rushing straight to the hospital but didn't say anything but just stood there

'Never mind, it's a hospital anyway, so the baby will be taken care of more carefully. Endeavor is really are a great hero, really cares about everyone even a baby'( '◡‿ゝ◡') everyone once again said in their heads while thinking positively even though it's not really the case.
"I came see to see my wife"

"...oh! You must be Mr. Todoroki, please follow me " The nurse said before look at the baby in his hand and led him to the room
A woman lying on a hospital bed, looking at her tired but can't stop the beauty of a gentle woman with white hair hanging down her shoulders (I'm not very good at describing people so sorry 😔) Beside her is a smaller bed with a small baby and seem like he's having a good sleep
"You're here" Rei said before turning her head to look at the man and pay attention to the baby in his hand

Endeavor or rather Todoroki Enji also noticed his wife's eyes before he remembered that he was holding a baby, "That child is one of the victims of a recently attacked building, it seems that his parents are no more"
When she heard that, Rei didn't say anything either but she felt bad that such a child had to go through such a thing, not to mention that she had just given birth to her own child so she was really heartbroken.

Then, without saying a word, the motherly love inside won and she said: "Can we adopt him?"

Without letting her husband say a word, she continued: "So Shoto will have a younger brother to play with, moreover, I don't mind having one more child."

"...Whatever, as long as it doesn't bother me, I don't care"Mr. Todoroki said as there was a small grimace on his face. He took the baby to his wife's side and gave the baby to her
Despite the dirty clothes wrapped around the baby, she looked at him for a few seconds when she noticed the new-looking blue hat the baby lay on with the watch in hand and said, "Looks like these two are the thing that his parents left for him". With a slight smile on her face, she looked into the baby's eyes for a moment

With a puzzled expression when he couldn't hear what she was saying

Rei said with an expression that couldn't be more certain, "His name is going to be Air"
Thank you so much for reading. Im not very good in grammar so there might some mistake in this fanfic😅
And as you can see, the beginning is completely far from the time when the plot begins but because it mainly revolves around Midoriya and very little around Todoroki Shoto even though we know specifically his past. So about his childhood that I wrote may not be real in the anime or there is but I haven't seen it so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But still, see yall

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