chapter 16

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Run as fast as he can back to the iron door. Air gasped as he tried to slip through the gap in the door, at least it was just enough for him to run through

"Small Todoroki!?!"
"Where did he come from"
Air watched his classmates run towards him, he also approached them
Sero said: "Huh? You're come from the outside?"

"No time to explain. Tell me what happened?"

Uraraka was quick to reply, even though it wasn't detailed, it was enough for him to know what happened
"We were surrounded by villains earlier. Everyone is separated, Juusan-sensei got hurt and Aizawa-sensei is alone against the villains down there!"

Hearing that, Air didn't hesitate to run forward
'Even though I know that the teachers here are Pro Heroes and I think I know why he fights by himself but...'

As he neared the top of the stairs, Air stopped running and advanced carefully in case of an ambush. He turned around and signaled Uraraka and Sero who were running after him because he ignored them calling to stop and Mina was next to Juusan-sensei
'... If they can attack a class like us without anyone knowing, then they have to know the schedule...and at the same time'

'They must have something to prepare for this attack'

When he saw the close-up, he was speechless.
Looking from above, he could see three of his classmates, including Izuku, hiding in the lake. A golden lightning flashed at the fake(?) ravine. And the teacher was being hit by the creature repeatedly on the ground

Air's eyebrows wrinkled by 0.5 inch then became more steadfast. He quickly jumped onto the railing of the stairs and (somehow) followed it down without falling

And of course such a rude act, even from a distance, Shigaraki would notice
"Huh? Another NPC?"

Izuku and the others also looked in Shigaraki's direction and saw the familiar blue casual clothes. Izuku panicked
'Air-kun????!!!!! What is he doing?! It's very dangerous here!!'
"(Is that...Todoroki-kun? Kero)"
"(What is he doing?! We all gonna die!!!!)"。:゚(;°∆°;)゚:。

Of course he was like that not for some special reason but because it was the fastest way to go down instead of jumping over hundreds of stairs below like someone

When there were only about 10 steps left, Air jumped up to land. While in the air, Air was leaning slightly to the right, his right hand was raised and he said
"Water Stream!"
As soon as his hand dropped, a powerful stream of water hit Shigaraki and the creature from the right. The creature looked like it was completely unaffected by the floating water, its hand still holding Aizawa

On the other hand, Shigaraki is not like that, he has absolutely no strength to resist, so he is completely pushed back at the speed of the water stream
"Ack! Noumu!"

Hearing the call, Noumu released Aizawa and used extremely fast speed to get Shigaraki out

Meanwhile, Air quickly ran back to Aizawa, ignoring the man who was coughing with the water left in his mouth and looking at him with angry eyes as if he had been defeated by someone
"Y-you, how dare you to do that to me!!"

Air of course didn't respond immediately, he was checking how his teacher was
'It seems that with the exception of his broken arm, which is strangely peeled off his elbow, and is bleeding heavily from the head, there doesn't seem to be any other wound. We need to take him to the hospital after this'

Looking at her students, Aizawa said with difficulty, "Didn't I..tell you to...stay still"
Air blinks 2 times before saying, "Sorry Sensei, but my conscience does not allow me to stand when you are like that"

Seeing the person in front of him refusing to listen to him, Shigaraki became even more irritated. He started in a bored tone and said
"Hmm, All Might isn't here, but he won't mind if I kill his students"

Hearing this, Izuku and the others became even more nervous, especially Izuku
'What?! But just now, Air repelled that villain. So isn't his target are...!!'

As expected, Shigaraki looked at Air with wide eyes, pointed at him and said: "Noumu...finish it"

Following the order, Noumu used a speed invisible to the naked eye and rushed in front of Air


Despite the screams, Air stood there as if Noumu isn't something scary
'Fast, but compared to Pikachu(this is a nickname of someone( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ), it's not enough'

When Nomua was about to hit Air and Air was also preparing to act, a shout broke in between the two. Mostly Noumu's side

The smoke covered everything, Air was really surprised by Izuku's actions
'Although I had prepared a way to fight this creature to buy time until help arrived, I really didn't think about it'

Turning his head to make sure his teacher was okay, he turned around to try to see what was going on inside

As he approached, Air could see his friend's surprised and frightened face as he was caught by Noumu. Seeing that the creature's other arm was about to do something with Izuku's hand. He rushed in, preparing for an attack
"Take your hand off my friend!!!"

"Tsk, Kurogiri"

A small purple-black cloud appeared in front of Air and from within it appeared Shigaraki's hand. Air sensed danger but he couldn't avoid it
Another one also appeared in front of Tsuyu but she didn't care, despite using her tongue to reach for Air

Aizawa: 'My body can't move!! Damn it!"

Just when everything was in an emergency situation that couldn't be rescued, an explosion(?) at the main gate attracted everyone's attention

"Don't worry, because I AM HERE!!!!"

All Might stood there in his teacher's uniform, the familiar hero pose appearing but something changed.
Everyone, including Air noticed it
'All Might, he doesn't smile'

Air: my first fight
Izuku: Air! Are you okay?!!
Air: ...I hate you* A tear falls*
Izuku: Eh?...HEEEEEEEEEEH?!!!!Σ(°ロ°)

Air: you too All Might
All Might: Y-young Air(・∀・;;;)

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