chapter 3

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At a certain school
"Now, the time is coming, so I hope you all have your own path"
When the homeroom teacher was giving a speech on the podium, in a corner of the classroom by the window (the legendary 💺) there was a student wearing a blue hat, sleeping very well on the table

Shoto looked at his younger brother who was sleeping in class (again) and couldn't help but sigh
'Even though I'm used to this, for some reason I still can't understand how he can sleep for this long'

Skip time
The bell rang, everyone all already to leave, Air also woke up from his sleep and looked at his 'brother' who was packing

"Shoto you go home first, I'll be back later"

"Huh? Are you going somewhere? " Shoto asked suspiciously
"Yeah, I'm going to my friends's school since there's a special shaved ice sale today, we promised to try it out"al
"Your friends? Bakugou and Midoriya right?"
( Shoto only met them once, he knows them because Air told him about it)

"Then I'll see you at home ok?"

"Ok, see you later" Air said while standing up to go
14 years is a long time for a person to change and adapt. But even so, I am still trying to be able to contact the other world through the watch, which is currently the only communication device I have. The functions of the watch are still stable, I checked it and luckily it's fine

Because if it can't be used then not only will I not be able to use my powers since it comes from the watch but I won't be able to find a way to contact my friends, I'm not good at technology like Solar or Ochobot so if it's really broken then fixing it is another story
Right now I'm in this world alone, I'm sure they're still trying to find my sign on the watch so for now I have to continue to survive in this world. I also heard Solar's explanation of the theorem of interdimensional time when he wanted someone to listen and I got caught. I've been here 14 years, that's a lot of time, I don't know how much time has passed in my world, maybe faster or slower than this world

'*sign* Hopefully when I get back they won't be too old like dad' Air thought as he imagined himself returning to find everyone already an adult and going to work while he was older mentally but physically he was still a teenager

"...yeah that gonna be my worst nightmare and Blaze gonna make fun of me if that happen"(~_~メ)

Lost in thought for a while, Air realized that he had come to his friend's school when he did not know
'Am I going this fast? Thinking while walking really makes time go fast huh'

Then he was about to wait in front of the school gate when he saw a figure slowly walking out with a notebook in the hand. That boy had a rather sad expression on his face when he saw Air his face got better. He said: "Air! Sorry for letting you wait"(• ▽ •;)

"It's okay Izuku, I just arrived anyway. Where's Katsuki? I thought the three of us would go together"

"Well, he wasn't in the mood so he went with the others" Izuku looked down and was silent as he recalled what his friend said before
Few minutes ago...
"Kac-Kacchan! Give it back!" Izuku said as he tried to get his notebook back from his friend as the 2 other people did nothing but just stood there grinning

"Hah! So you still haven't given up on that stupid dream, Deku. What can a quirkless like you do?" Bakugou said roughly as he opened the notebook and watched it flip through like nothing important was in it

Without looking at his childhood friend's worried expression, he added, "Even this boring notebook is nothing special, just like you"
After saying that, he threw the notebook aside. It hit the board before falling to the ground

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