not a chapter

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Guys, I don't know what to say.....

Guys, I don't know what to say

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oh my GOD!!!!!

I can't believe it
Thank you everyone so much 😍
I never thought that this unusual fanfic of mine will be like this(≧▽≦)
To be honest, I know that the results that I get from the fanfic is nothing to the other legends because I was never thought of anything like this

Wait(゜Д゜*))! I mean I have but its my Boboiboy Oc(8th elemental, u know:>. )
I got this ideal when I read the other fanfic of BBBxMHA. But there only some of them are really good but it took a long time for those to update new chapter, like months...
And when I read it, I also wanna try to made one, I used to use Wattpad before and stop because Wattpad is so lack back then and it suck

But now im back here just to satisfying my imagination that has been on my mind for months now lol( ̄▽ ̄)

But really i thought no one (not really, just a very small people) will read this because it just kind different to the other,and im really bad at written, I was like 'at least I can read it myself because it on my mind for so long and I don't want to forget it'

But noooooooo, thank to you guys, I am know have more DETERMINATION to continue it...(▼▽▼)人(▼▽▼)

'Cause I only think about the first part(chapter 0-2) and the ending, as you can see that why im update it so fast. But from now cause im suck at the fighting scene, and drama(;;;・_・)
(I guess I've to read the whole manga and anime from now on)
Anyway thank you so much for reading this little talk of mine
P/s: right, I just wanna say that I also have a yt channel and Insta, both name "Py_dark", its about gacha(if u know what that is), you can check to watch more things I made(if u want :)))) )
My English suck too so spare me please ₍₍ ◝( ゚∀ ゚ )◟ ⁾⁾

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